Module MPE02 Radiation biology for medical physicists in radiology On day 1 we will spend time on sharing experiences/questions on the modules. This session is a cluster session together with: Day 1: Morning, experiences module 1 + 2 Day 1: Morning, Sekoia updates Day 2: Afternoon, workshop on assessment Day 2: Afternoon, ‘getting accredited’ This session focuses on ‘Delivery of the modules’ – what are your plans for teaching, new ideas on interacting with the participants, …. And we refine (possible) content overlap between modules. We will use a time keeper in this session, it is important that all module leaders can do their input.
This is what you get... A comprehensive online phase covering all the basics of radiation biology up to date with scientific literature An advanced face-to-face phase discussing the risks related to radiation exposure and problems of optimization, with radiobiologists, radiologists and medical physicists A session in radiobiology laboratory Final objective for the future MPE (Diagnostic Radiology): acquire the knowledge, the skills, and the competences necessary for a thorough understanding of the biological response of humans to radiation exposure as well as of the radiobiological basis for estimating subsequent risks.
Content of the face-to-face phase Monday Basic Biology, Radiation Biophysics and Radiobiology Tuesday Radiation-induced carcinogenesis Radiation effects from exposure in utero Radiation-induced cancers after medical radiation exposures Risk of radiation-induced heritable disease Wednesday Interventional radiology and Radiobiology Discussion of cases presented by interventional radiologists Cardiovascular and other non-cancer risks from low-dose radiation exposures Thursday Diagnostics and Radiobiology Discussion of cases presented by radiologists Management of radiation accidents Friday Free discussions with lecturers Self-study and preparation for examination Saturday Written examination & Discussion of examination questions
Take-home messages In the current practice radiation protection in radiology is largely based on empirical knowledge and experience. A comprehensive understanding of the radiobiological aspects of different health effects allows the MPE to join in the discussion with radiologists and eventually have an impact in the optimization processes. The evaluation of the health risks of patients requires both good anatomical dose distribution, and understanding of the biology of all the various potential health effects which may occur after radiological procedures. TO ALL of US! Continuous efforts in learning and research are needed to enhance the links between basic radiobiology and applications/optimization in the medical use of radiation
Comments from previous participants... “I found the opportunity to visit the Biological Laboratory especially good, as we also were given interesting information on how radiobiological studies on human cell lines are performed, and what the outcomes of this kind of research are.” “I found especially good the content of this module, the guidance from the module leaders and the possibility to interact with other medical physicists” “I found the online part nice, because I got time dedicated from my employer to study it from home. The use of two different persons presentating for the same topic was also nice.” “I would like to underline once again that I have learned a lot during this course, and I think this module gives us a good background to better understand radiation effects to human.”
Group of participants