So philosophy is different from religion Means without being biased NATURE OF PHILOSOPHY So philosophy is different from religion Philosophy is a rational study Philosophy is an impartial study Philosophy is a systematic study Subject matters of philosophy are universe and life Philosophy applies as a whole method The aim and objective of philosophy is to explain the universe and life Means without being biased Not a casual study Science studies its subject matters piecemeal & partwise so different from philosophy. Methods are of two kinds – Analytical and as a whole. Science applies analytical method
BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY Metaphysics Epistemology Meta – Beyond; Physics – Physical World. So a study of world’s cause which is beyond this world. CENTRAL QUESTION What is the ultimate reality? Matter: Materialism – Charvaka Marxism Ideal: Idealism – Plato, Berkeley, Hegel Spiritual Reality: Spiritualism – Shankara, Ramanuja, Sri Aurobindo & Madhva What is the nature of reality? How is reality related to the world? Studies issues of knowledge CENTRAL QUESTION Source of knowledge: Only reason – Rationalism: Descarles, Spinoza, Leipniz Only experience – Empirialism: Locke, Berkeley, Hume Both reason & experience - criticism: Kant Nature of knowledge Rationalism: Universal & Necessary, not new Empirialism: Not universal & not necessary, new Criticism – Universal & Necessary, new Limit of knowledge Logic Ethics Logical reasoning is not in syllabus of Philosophy. It is in CSAT Not in syllabus of Philosophy. It is GS - IV