SAFETY BRIEF Alarm sirens/bell (scheduled drills) صفارات الإنذار/جرس الإنذار (التدريبات المقرعقدها) Emergency Exits/Assembly Point مخارج الطوارئ/ نقطة التجمع Emergency contact numbers أرقام الاتصال في حالات الطوارئ First aid (aider, kits & first aid number) الاسعافات الاولية (ادوات الاسعاف/التعرف بالمسعف) Breaks الاستراحة Toilets دورات المياه Mobile phones الهواتف النقالة
Recognizing HSE support functions within MSE OBJECTIVES Communicate the aspects of HSE compliance in an interactive way to improve awareness Recognizing HSE support functions within MSE
FD MESSAGE PDO Finance Director We PDO are continually looking to improve the way we manage HSE. We cannot achieve the improvement s alone. We need people, in the line to help us to manage HSE. We need key personnel to help us manage HSE, We need agents of change to influence the way Contractors manage HSE….“we need you!!!! So today we have an opportunity to share quality time with you to not only share updates in HSE with you but to listen to concerns you may have and what challenges you might have as we begin 2016. The oil price does not help us any at this time so it’s even more important that we share ideas and lessons learned so that we can discover more efficient ways of ensuring that HSE becomes an integral part of the business. I am certain that we will all benefit from today and we look forward to sharing your feedback with the team and with our champions. I will leave you in the capable hands of the MSE1 team.
NEAR MISS? A scaffold pole falls from height and strikes the shoulder of a worker below A crane travels under a OH Power line and just misses the live cable- there is no goal post provided. A fork lift turns a corner in the warehouse and brakes harshly to avoid a pedestrian An excavation is left without lights at night An office worker slips on the stairs but manages to hold onto the handrail to prevent a fall A bus passenger is traveling without a seatbelt Accident NEAR MISS from an unsafe condition Near Miss Unsafe condition Unsafe Act
QUESTION 1 What difficulties are you experiencing in doing your job as a person responsible for HSE? Nigel table lead
How do you monitor unsafe behaviours in the work place? QUESTION 2 How do you monitor unsafe behaviours in the work place? Najya Table Lead
QUESTION 3 What are the issues, challenges and threats in preventing injuries to our frontline personnel at the work site? Lily Table Lead
BREAK 15min
HSE UPDATE Najya Table Lead
1 2 3 SAFETY LEADERSHIP FOR FRONTLINE SUPERVISORS As part of Corporate and UWD HSE Plan, the Safety Leadership for Frontline Supervisor (FLS) program have been developed and endorsed by the Leadership team in 2016. The objective is to increase Supervisor’s knowledge on how to promote safe behaviour amongst Frontline staff. Over 380 personnel have been trained in Well Engineering. Personal Action Plans are followed up and verified onsite by Delivery Team Leads. SAFETY LEADERSHIP FOR FRONTLINE SUPERVISORS 1 2 4 new PPE contracts have been awarded to support the growing business operational needs. A price agreement for new sets of PPE such as High Impact Gloves, Goggles, Thermal insulated gloves, etc.. in the next 4 years. Ongoing PPE Lean project - to identify and eliminate wastes from the process and achieve a healthy PPE stock management. PPE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Launched in December 2015. Salim Sikaiti, Gas Director as the Champion with support from MSEM. Good response/support from staff and contractors. An average of 70 reports per month. Challenges encountered especially on reporting actual near misses. Nearmiss reporting system have been improved and upgraded. NEAR MISS REPORTING TOOL 3
BEHAVIOR BASED SAFETY Phasing out STOP BST SOLOOK Pilot IHTIMAM Changes in C9 under BBS Phasing out STOP, (a decision was taken to phase out STOP in 2015, therefore the STOP training license has not been renewed. Training on STOP can no longer be conducted, however STOP observations can continue to be used) Solook Pilot Solook pilot launched in 2013 for 18m Piloted in Abraj & Shaleem Design of system was complex Learning's taken for incorporation to new system. New In House BBS called IHTIMAM Includes everyone (office/field) Customized design to each directorate Focused observation card, with ability to retire behaviors New database that is user friendly and accessible through mobiles for input of observations Database will allow user to customize dashboard, assign actions, track actions and conduct analysis of results. Database can be used online also if there is no 3g signal by enabling the user to upload the observation and then automatically sent whenever service is available Observer privacy is taken in consideration , if the user is willing to put his observation without passing by the supervisors approval . Simple training modules (online/practical) Started the engagement session with piloting contractors in Marmul and Nimr . IHTIMAM will be launched in January and implantation will follow after training completion . Changes in C9 under BBS Old contracts stated that STOP or equivalent is required. New contracts state that a BBS system must be implemented and reviewed by MSE11
HSE IN CONTRACTS 01 PR1171 PART I & PR1171 PART II Critical requirements for CH reduced from 25 to 12 tasks Contractors simplified HSE requirements 06 LETTER OF ASSURANCE LoA Questionnaire and Validation Report - Gap Closure 02 T3 HSE Questionnaire simplified to accommodate all (including SME’s) 03 PR1997 Contractor HSE Technical Evaluation - Banding - Score Sheet and Banding Report 05 REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION Applicable HSE Documents 25 steps reduced to 12 01- CH part I and Contractors and Sub contractors part II 02- Already loaded in Rabitah 03 - Score sheet simplified PR1997 going through FPM Quarterly gate check 04 - C9 updated and tailored specifically to C4 (No more cut and paste – scope specific) 05 - Relevant and applicable HSE documentation controlled by MSE 12 (historically if 4 and 5 not followed this could lead to VTC) 06 – Deeper levels of assurance on Leadership sub contractor management and contract management and SP2000 04 C9 HSE Specification - Minimum Requirements
For further HSE information please visit: http://pdointernet/hseforcontractors/HSEinContracts/PartnershipinHSE Najya Table Lead
THANK YOU Najya Table Lead