Exam Review of Cache Memories Dec 11, 2001 15-213 “The course that gives CMU its Zip!” Exam Review of Cache Memories Dec 11, 2001 Topics Cache memory organization Cache analysis of C code Sanjit A. Seshia
General organization of a cache memory A cache of size C contains S sets each of which has E cache blocks B bytes Set bits = s = log(S) Associativity E = 1 for direct mapped Block offset bits = b = log(B) C = E x S x B m bits for Addressing #(tag bits) = t = m – (s+b)
Cache Analysis Problem from Fall 1999 Final Exam (also Homework probs 6.28--6.30 in the textbook) Therefore, E = 1 S = 16K = 2^14 Consider the following system: Direct mapped cache Cache size, C = 64Kbytes Block size, B = 4 bytes struct pixel { char r; char g; char b; char a; } struct pixel buffer[480][640]; register int i, j; register char *cptr; register int *iptr; Assumptions: sizeof(char) == 1, sizeof(int) == 4 buffer begins at address 0 Cache is initially empty All other variables are in registers
Cache Analysis(contd) struct pixel { char r; char g; char b; char a; } struct pixel buffer[480][640]; register int i, j; register char *cptr; register int *iptr; A “write” is a write to a C variable of a primitive data type. For pointers, the size of the target location depends on the pointer type. Code is just scanning the entire array once for(j=0; j < 640; j++){ for(i=0; i < 480; i++){ buffer[i][j].r = 0; buffer[i][j].g = 0; buffer[i][j].b = 0; buffer[i][j].a = 0; } What percentage of writes in this code will miss?
Cache Analysis(contd) struct pixel { char r; char g; char b; char a; } struct pixel buffer[480][640]; register int i, j; register char *cptr; register int *iptr; ………. buffer j i for(j=0; j < 640; j++){ for(i=0; i < 480; i++){ buffer[i][j].r = 0; buffer[i][j].g = 0; buffer[i][j].b = 0; buffer[i][j].a = 0; } What percentage of writes in this code will miss? Cache Block: r g b a order of access
Cache Analysis(contd) struct pixel { char r; char g; char b; char a; } struct pixel buffer[480][640]; register int i, j; register char *cptr; register int *iptr; ………. buffer j i for(j=0; j < 640; j++){ for(i=0; i < 480; i++){ buffer[i][j].r = 0; MISS buffer[i][j].g = 0; HIT buffer[i][j].b = 0; HIT buffer[i][j].a = 0; HIT } What percentage of writes in this code will miss? Cache Block: r g b a order of access
Cache Analysis(contd) struct pixel { char r; char g; char b; char a; } struct pixel buffer[480][640]; register int i, j; register char *cptr; register int *iptr; ………. buffer j i for(j=0; j < 640; j++){ for(i=0; i < 480; i++){ buffer[i][j].r = 0; MISS buffer[i][j].g = 0; HIT buffer[i][j].b = 0; HIT buffer[i][j].a = 0; HIT } What percentage of writes in this code will miss? ANS: 25 % of writes will miss
Cache Analysis(contd) struct pixel { char r; char g; char b; char a; } struct pixel buffer[480][640]; register int i, j; register char *cptr; register int *iptr; Accesses the array in Row-major order cptr = (char *) buffer; for(; cptr < ((char *) buffer) + 640*480*4; cptr++){ *cptr = 0; } What percentage of writes in this code will miss?
Cache Analysis(contd) struct pixel { char r; char g; char b; char a; } struct pixel buffer[480][640]; register int i, j; register char *cptr; register int *iptr; j ………. i buffer cptr = (char *) buffer; for(; cptr < ((char *) buffer) + 640*480*4; cptr++){ *cptr = 0; } What percentage of writes in this code will miss? Still 25% (previous analysis still holds)
Cache Analysis(contd) struct pixel { char r; char g; char b; char a; } struct pixel buffer[480][640]; register int i, j; register char *cptr; register int *iptr; iptr = (int *) buffer; for(; iptr < ((int *) buffer) + 640*480; iptr++){ *iptr = 0; } What percentage of writes in this code will miss?
Cache Analysis(contd) struct pixel { char r; char g; char b; char a; } struct pixel buffer[480][640]; register int i, j; register char *cptr; register int *iptr; j “grouped” into an int ………. i Same access pattern as cptr case, but ¼ times as many writes! iptr = (int *) buffer; for(; iptr < ((int *) buffer) + 640*480; iptr++){ *iptr = 0; }
Cache Analysis(contd) iptr = (int *) buffer; for(; iptr < ((int *) buffer) + 640*480; iptr++){ *iptr = 0; } What percentage of writes in this code will miss? 100% of writes will miss
Summary For more problems: See homework problems at the back of Chapter 6 Cache problems on previous exams These slides will be available on the “lectures” webpage.