Every business should be able to provide employees access to a range of quality voluntary supplemental insurance benefits from a company they trust. Working For You
2 Bridging The Gap Benefit Services Group specializes in… …bridging the benefit communication gap between an employer and employee. …bridging the benefit package gap by offering supplemental insurance coverage. …bridging the benefit coverage gap for your employees specific family situation.
3 Our Mission Benefit Services Group (BSG) is a benefit enrollment company, focusing on counseling individuals in making informed decisions regarding the election of benefits, which best suit their needs. We believe the most valuable asset in any organization is its employees. In todays competitive workplace market, employers need to offer a comprehensive benefit package in order to retain quality employees. BSG specializes in a computerized one-to-one enrollment process which stresses the importance of each employee meeting personally with a benefit specialist. This systematic approach is not only seamless to the employee, but for the employer as well. Licensed professionals In business since 1989…
4 Allstate Safe and sound Financial strength and strong profits have made Allstate a leader in the insurance industry. Allstate consistently ranks higher than our competitors major financial rankings in both Fortune 500 rankings and total assets. Fortune 500 Rankings for The year rankings were taken from the Fortune 500 website at Allstate 47 th AFLAC 158 th Unum Provident208th Allstate Workplace Division Underwritten by American Heritage Life Insurance Company
5 What We Know Voluntary supplemental insurance is important to your employees Its value can be measured during a time of need – an accident, a disabling injury, an illness or a death Navigating through the choices of voluntary supplemental insurance benefits can be intimidating You need a company who takes the time to understand your needs and who can provide the knowledge and experience you are seeking You deserve a relationship with a professional who takes the time to listen to your needs. Benefit Services Group, Inc., will help you create a benefits package for your company and prepare employee communication plans We give you options so you will have the right affordable voluntary supplemental insurance products for your employees
6 Our Knowledge & Experience We have been in the business of offering employee communication and supplemental benefits for over 13 years. We have 75 years of combined workplace benefits experience that will ensure your needs and objectives are met We work with each of our corporate clients to evaluate their employee benefit programs and offer solutions to enhance their overall benefit choices We are licensed in 40 states and are dedicated to meeting your needs
7 Our Knowledge & Experience What weve learned about employers What weve learned about employees HR departments are much smaller today and want a supplemental insurance partner to deliver consistent benefits communication and enrollment support 1 With the number of employees planning to stay in their current positions falling from 62% in 2003 to 59% in 2004, organizations are becoming more interested in voluntary benefits to maximize their offering 2 Most employers today offer one or more voluntary benefits, putting competitive pressure on their peers to expand their voluntary offerings 3 Employees welcome the chance to interact with Benefit Specialists for more personal, in-depth consultation 1 Employees rank benefits their #1 important job satisfaction factor 4 Only 27% of full-time employees estimate correctly that their company spends $4,000 or more per year, per employee, for medical insurance 5 1. Issues in Worksite Marketing, 2/ Employee Benefit News, 9/ benefits Connection, 10/ Job Satisfaction Survey conducted by SHRM and CNNfn 5. MetLife 2004 Employee Benefits Trend Study
8 Supplemental Benefit Needs Voluntary benefits insurance might be right for your company if: Youre concerned with the rising cost of employee benefits Youd like a chance to provide benefits that help you hire and retain quality employees Youd like to be competitive with other companies who provide more than just wages Your employees have been requesting enhanced or post-retirement benefits, like life insurance that goes beyond group term policies
9 A Helping Hand Your employees should get the most out of your voluntary supplemental insurance benefits Finding extra money for benefits can be difficult By taking full advantage of the Section 125 tax rules you can help your employer and employees make every penny count We can help you uncover the hidden paycheck, the extra dollars you can spend for benefits on an employer and employees behalf Are you forced to offer a high deductible medical plan or incur a large rate increase We can help you bridge the gap Feel confident we will assist you in designing and enhancing benefit programs and strategies tailored to your companys needs Flexible Innovative Empowering Section 125 Supplemental Benefits Flexible Spending Account Dependent Care Assistance HSA HRA
10 Employer Advantages Very little of your time and effort required Enrollment process provides employees benefit education and information All plans work with your existing benefits to fill gaps and provide additional protection Supports your concern for your employees welfare Most voluntary plans are fully portable with no COBRA involvement Most plans are Section 125 qualified, thereby generating additional dollars to your bottom line
11 Employee Advantages Participation is completely voluntary – employees can choose benefits from a menu of coverages Coverage is available for spouse and children Convenient payroll deduction of premiums Even if employees leave the company, they can keep the insurance by paying the premiums directly to the insurance company (most plans) Enrollment is easy with a simple application process and fast approvals Quick response to claims processing questions Most plans are Section 125 qualified, thereby generating additional savings to the employee
12 A Broad Product Portfolio Voluntary Individual Workplace Products No participation minimums Fits all situations Universal Life Insurance Term Life Insurance Disability Insurance Cancer Insurance Accident Insurance Medical Gap Insurance Heart/Stroke Insurance Critical Illness Insurance
13 Enrollments Services Our benefit packages offer a lot of options for your employees We will be there to help show your employees what they need to know to make the right decisions for their families We have proven enrollment methods that will help guide your employees through the process of enrolling Your employees should have the information they need to make the right benefit decisions
14 Enrollments Services Our commitment is to provide you a quality customized enrollment Benefit Services Groups leadership position in the workplace benefits industry ensures you will have the support you need to build the right solution for your group and your employees Our mission is to provide you with the solutions and innovative technology that makes your benefit plan easier to manage, and most importantly - understand your needs and how we can help you Enrollment is easy, with our turn-key enrollment solution, which allows you to run your operation the way you want We'll listen to you and we'll tailor our services in a way that works best for you
15 Continued Service Our commitment extends to helping you and your employees after the enrollment As our customer, it is our goal to provide you with the best service in the industry We want your experience with us to be beneficial to you and your employees With ongoing support, your employees have the necessary benefits as their needs change Our office is staffed with bilingual personnel and agents to provide enrollment opportunities, policy holder service requests, billing assistance, answers to benefit questions, beneficiary changes, and claims assistance To us, relationships with our customers are our biggest asset
16 Your Needs Analysis Are you having difficulties with… Data accuracy Long enrollment periods Inconsistent benefit message and establishing communication with employees Having difficulties keeping up with the constant barrage of insurance benefit options Retaining and motivating employees Administering and reviewing employee benefit programs with your employees Devoting time to assist your employees in handling benefits-related questions
17 Our Solution We can serve as liaisons between your employees and the insurance carrier We will provide specialized services to you and your employees which will increase job satisfaction Face to face communication is essential By delivering benefit education and counseling employees feel empowered improving their productivity and morale Let us help you ensure that your benefit program satisfies the needs of your employees Benefits Specialists handle employee insurance, employer communication needs such as pension and savings plan, policy changes, special events and other important employer messages
18 Implementation Process Complete a thorough analysis of your total employee benefits We will help you select a customized menu of benefits that will help your employees We provide support and advice every step of the way to ensure the program starts successfully and continues to run smoothly during and after the enrollment process
19 Step By Step 1.Complete your company benefit profile –A detailed data sheet which outlines your current benefits program and allows us to understand your benefit needs 2.Meetings to discuss specifics –We meet with you at your convenience to discuss the specifics of the program and the steps involved in preparing for the employee enrollment period 3.Work with your payroll department –Once you have authorized us to begin, we can work with your payroll department to set up payroll deduction billing in a manner that will be most efficient to you 4.Advance communication
20 Advance Communication Employee pre-enrollment communication is a key ingredient in implementing a smooth and controlled enrollment Provides information which is important in allowing your employees to be fully prepared for their one-to-one benefit consultation with the Benefit Specialist Tri-fold Payroll Stuffers / Handouts Public work area or central bulletin board flyer Electronic methods also available
21 Step-By-Step 5.Meetings with employees –During the enrollment, we meet with employees one-to-one to advise them of the additional benefits you are offering and show them how these benefits help them 6.Payroll deduction begins –Once enrollment is complete, your payroll department does the necessary programming to start payroll deduction for the enrolled employees
22 Reporting Methods Reports are generated in either paper or electronic formats Employee benefit confirmation report Section 125 election report Payroll deduction report Reports – making your job easier
Value Added Services Working For You
24 Section 125 Benefits Section 125: saving you and your employees money Section 125, lets you cut taxes and save money without cutting your payroll –Employees have lower taxable income and pay less in federal, state and local income taxes –You can realize significant savings through lower FICA and other applicable tax matching contributions –Employee tax savings can help to defray the cost of insurance premiums Use your own administrator, or we can help provide you with one at discounted fees Section 125 Administration assistance
25 Section 125 Savings Section 125: example of savings Example of dollars you and an employee can save with Section 125 qualified benefits
26 Uncovering The Hidden Paycheck Employee benefit awareness statements can communicate to your employees the total benefits package which can help uncover the hidden paycheck, extra dollars you may be spending on their behalf Many employers have found that the best way to help their employees understand and appreciate the value of their employer provided fringe benefits is to give each employee a personalized benefit statement report at least once every year But trying to produce these statements from scratch can be an expensive and time- consuming task! We can help facilitate production of Fringe Facts benefit statements with Allstate, a cost- effective way to provide employees with easy-to-understand information about their benefits Message from the Employer Detailed Cost of Each Benefit Total Benefit Costs Hidden Paycheck 401(k) & Cafeteria Calculators Benefits/Income Charts Description of Each Benefit Retirement Plan Values And More...
27 Administrative Support Our devotion to high level services helps to make your job easier and more profitable Electronic Office –Paperless, scanning technology provides for efficient flow of service from all departments, resulting in seamless interaction with you Policy issue standard of 5 days for complete applications –Electronic B-line processing allows policies to be issued faster resulting in a more accurate billing invoice
28 Here When You Need Us Billings –All payroll deduction frequencies are supported –Our devotion to auditing ensures you will have the most accurate billing possible –3 billing methods available Electronic funds transfer Self bill Paper bill Claims –Assistance in completing claim forms –Prompt turnaround on all complete health, life and supplemental disability income claims –Individual disability claims are paid on an anticipated date of return to work basis, instead of filing a new claim each month –Registered nurses available to answer claimants questions (Allstate provided)
29 Ongoing Service Our office staff is dedicated to providing you the support you need before, during and after your enrollment We are committed to delivering quality above your expectations Devoted to fulfilling your needs and the needs of your employees