Non-profit DOI registration agency for Scientific primary data The TIB Non-profit DOI registration agency for Scientific primary data Jan Brase Research center L3S German national library of science and technology (TIB) IDF members meeting 2005 June 14th, Bologna Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Background In its 2004 report "Data and information", the International Council for Science (ICSU) strongly recommended a new strategic framework for scientific data and information. The German Research Foundation (DFG) has started the project Publication and Citation of Scientific Primary Data to increase the accessibility of scientific primary data, starting with the field of earth science. The German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) is now established as a registration agency for scientific primary data as a member of the International DOI Foundation (IDF). Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Examples of data citations Nozawa, Toru (2004): IPCC-DDC_CCSRNIES_SRES_B2: 211 YEARS MONTHLY MEANS, National Institute for Environmental Studies and Center for Climate System Research Japan, WDCC. doi:10.1594/WDCC/CCSRNIES_SRES_B2 Kamm,H; Machon, L; Donner, S (2004): Gas Chromatography (KTB Field Lab), GFZ Potsdam. doi:10.1594/GFZ/ICDP/KTB/ktb-geoch-gaschr-p Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Application in the literature Lorenz, S.J., Kasang, D., Lohmann, G. (2005): Globaler Wasserkreislauf und Klimaänderungen - eine Wechselbeziehung, In: Warnsignal Klima: Genug Wasser für alle? Lozán, Graßl, Hupfer, Menzel, Schönwiese (Eds.), pp. 153-158. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, Germany. This article uses and cites: Stendel, M.,T. Smith,E. Roeckner,U. Cubasch (2004): ECHAM4_OPYC_SRES_A2: 110 years coupled A2 run 6H values, WDCC. doi:10.1594/WDCC/EH4_OPYC_SRES_A2. Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Presentations of the project DOI EPICUR Workshop, Mai 2004, Frankfurt, Germany ERPANET Workshop, Juni 2004, Cork, Ireland 4th annual meeting of the European meteorology society, September 2004 Nizza, France ECDL 2004, September 2004, Bath, UK 11. IUK-Workshop, Mai 2005, Bonn, Germany JCDL 2005, Juni 2005, Denver, USA ECDL 2005, September 2005, Wien, Austria PV 2005, November 2005, Edinburgh, UK Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Journals and Books „Konzept zur Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten“ M.Lautenschlager, I.Sens, Nachrichten für Dokumentation (nfd), 54 (2003) 8, S. 463-466 “Using digital library techniques - Registration of scientific primary data” J.Brase in “Research and advanced technology for digital libraries” Springer LNCS 3232, ISBN 3-540-23013-0 “A web service infrastructure for the registration of scientific primary data” J.Brase & U.Schindler in Springer LNCS (2005 not yet published) Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Technical Details Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Data-DOI (item level): Raw datasets App 1,000,000 per year DOI registration Metadata at the data providers Citable-DOI (collection level): Collections of Data DOIs or paper (secondary data) App 20,000 per year Metadata description at the TIB Accessible through library catalogue DOI and URN registration Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Technical realization at the TIB GBV COCOON handle.jar DOI-Registration eMail-Client DDB Webservice call XSLT Metadata wrapper XML - PICA Datenbase- access FTP-Client IDF Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Status In cooperation with World Data Center climate & mare GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Alfred Wegener Institute the TIB is now officially the first DOI Registration agency for scientific primary. The first 200,000 datasets have been registered. App. 1,000,000 end of 2005. 30 additional datasets are available via the online catalogue of the TIB. App 1,000 end of 2005. Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
The next steps? 2006 the registration will be widened to other disciplines. From 2007 the registration of any scientific content that is a result of community funded research will be a primary task for the TIB. Including: Earth-samples 3D-modells Grey Literature … Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
Possible structures We are only just beginning! We collaborate with publication agents, that collect the content, maintain and evaluate it. Proposals: 2 more World Data Centers will join in 2006 Discussion: The European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology organisation Contact: The danish research database … BMBF and DFG funded projects will be encouraged to register their results at the TIB. Jan Brase L3S - TIB 11.11.2018
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