- + PTT GREEN +12V YELLOW MIC (out) MIC RED PTT BLUE GND PTT GND RED 6800Ω - + 3522147 17901 PTT GND RED BLUE board side PTT button lightblue YELLOW GREEN MIC +12V
MIC in 1u 560 BC547 8k2 BC547 47k 10k 470 8k2 3k3 10uH 33k
MIC gnd + to green connector via 10uH inductor 33uF 16V 6k8 0.1uF 10% BC547 connects to yellow BC547 BC547 47k 100p 4n7 47Ω 4n7 + 1uF 3k9 BC557 22Ω 10k 10uH 1k8 22Ω GREEN 39u light blue YELLOW
33u 16V C7 MICROPHONE 0.1/10/100 BC547 TS1 BC547 C8 TS2 BC547 TS6 560 R1 6k8 R16 c b e 0.1/10/100 BC547 TS1 8k2 R3 MICROPHONE c b e BC547 TS2 C8 470 R4 10k R2 e b c BC547 TS6 3k3 R5 BC557 TS5 0.33u C2 47k R10 8k2 R6 10uH L1 BC547 TS3 e b c BAW62 GR1 ak 47k R13 10k R8 1u C3 47Ω R7 c b e 1u C5 33k R9 100p C9 3u3 C6 3k9 R12 c b e 22Ω R15 10uH L2 22Ω R14 39u C4 BC547 TS4 4n7 C10 1k8 R9 +12V - via PTT MIC OUT
light blue GREEN +12V YELLOW OUT PTT RED BLUE GND MC1 microphone 1u C1 560 R1 10k R2 10u L1 L2 8k2 R3 470 R4 3k3 R5 0.33u C2 R6 47 R7 C3 1k8 R11 22 R15 3k9 R12 BAW62 GR1 47k R13 R14 R8 3u3 C6 C5 BC547 TS1 TS2 TS3 BC557 TS5 TS4 TS6 33u 16V C7 100p C9 100n C8 6k8 R16 39u C4 4n7 C10 R10 33k R9 colors connection cable differ from original schematic
http://lea.hamradio.si/~s53mv/dds/design.html A simple low-current voltage doubler may be built with the 7660 chip. A similar circuit can also be built with the more popular 74HC4053 chip as shown on the following drawing: The 74HC4053 requires just a few capacitors and resistors to operate as a low-current (1mA) negative-voltage doubler. The first switch of the 74HC4053 is used as a non-inverting amplifier for the oscillator operating at around 70kHz. The second switch acts both as an inverting amplifier for the oscillator and as an output driver. Finally the third switch operates as a synchronous rectifier for the negative output voltage.
4053 Voltage inverter computer USB +5V VDD GREEN +12V 3.5mm plug RED YELLOW BLUE GND PTT MIC (out) MIC VDD 3.5mm plug computer in 4053 Voltage inverter VEE (-5V) VSS 3.5mm plug computer gnd computer USB GND (do not connect)