Religions and Philosophies


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Presentation transcript:

Religions and Philosophies Belief Systems Religions and Philosophies

Religions Monotheism Polytheism The belief in one God Ex. Judaism, Christianity, Islam Polytheism The belief in many gods Ex. Ancient Egypt, Hinduism

Judaism The Hebrews founded Judaism , the oldest known monotheistic religion Sacred text: Torah (Christian Old Testament) Basic teachings: Ten Commandments- the Hebrew code of laws Holy City: Jerusalem

Christianity Founder: Jesus of Nazareth Holy City: Jerusalem Sacred text: Christian Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) Monotheistic Practices: Seven sacraments

Christianity Christian Churches divide numerous times Major churches: Roman Catholic (headed by Pope), Eastern Orthodox, Protestant Faiths (Lutheran, Calvinist, Church of England)

Islam Holy Cities: Mecca (Makkah), Medina, Jerusalem Founder: Prophet Muhammad (6th Century AD) Sacred text: Qur’an (Koran) Monotheistic: One God (Allah- means God in Arabic) Basic teachings: 5 pillars Divisions: Sunni and Shiah Holy Cities: Mecca (Makkah), Medina, Jerusalem

Hinduism POLYTHEISTIC No Single Founder Holy books: Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Mahabarata Reincarnation- rebirth of one’s soul

Hinduism Beliefs: Karma- all the good and bad deeds done in one’s life Dharma- duties one must fulfill in life Moksha- union with Brahman at the end of life cycle Caste system- rigid social class system based on birth

Buddhism Founder: Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) 500’s BC No Single God- believe in universal spirit Basic teachings: Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path

Buddhism Beliefs: Karma Reincarnation Ahimsa- nonviolence to all living things Nirvana- release from the cycle of rebirth

Animism Founder-There is no one person Geographic Origin- Africa Significant Writings- Animism has an oral tradition of story-telling, rather than a developed writing system. Places of Worship-Animist rituals tend to take place outdoors in nature. Teachings and Beliefs- Animists practice nature worship. They believe that everything in the universe has a spirit.


Confucianism Founder: Confucius 500’s BC Text: The Analects Beliefs: Filial Piety- respect for parents and elders 5 relationships: guide conduct in all interactions in family and society

Daoism Founder: Laozi 500’s BC Text: Dao De Jing Beliefs: harmony with nature Yin and Yang: must balance 2 opposing forces in nature The Dao: the force that guides all things