Welcome to Allen D. Nease INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM Kim Hollis – IB Coordinator Kim.hollis@stjohns.k12.fl.us
IB is a full Program of Study What is IB? IB is a full Program of Study The IB is different from other curricula because it: encourages students to think critically and challenge what they are told is independent of governments and national systems, and therefore able to incorporate best practice from a range of international frameworks and curricula encourages students to consider both their local and international environment. An IB education is unique because of its rigorous academic and personal standards. IB programmes challenge students to excel not only in their studies but also in their personal growth. The IB aims to inspire a lifelong quest for learning hallmarked by enthusiasm and empathy.
“Some IB Philosophy” Education is an act of hope in the face of an always-uncertain future. An IB education calls forth the very best in students and educators alike. The IB believes that together we can help to prepare students for living and working in a complex, highly interconnected world. Through inquiry, action and reflection, IB programmes aim to develop a range of competencies and dispositions that include skills for thinking, for working with others, for communicating, for managing self and for research. Effective teaching and learning requires meaningful assessment. IB World Schools strive to clarify the purpose of student assessment, the criteria for success and the methods by which assessments are made. In IB programmes, assessment is ongoing, varied and integral to the curriculum. Assessment may be formal or informal, formative or summative, internal or external; students also benefit by learning how to assess their own work and the work of others.
IB Mission Statement The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Nease IB Program Information Nease’s IB Program was established in 1996 88% of IB Diploma candidates earned an IB Diploma over the past 5 years IB Diploma candidates passed 91% of their IB exams over the past 5 years The IB Diploma pass rate for the Class of 2016 was 92% (85 students) Through May 2016, Nease has had 1,141 IB graduates Average SAT score for Class of 2016 – 1970/2400 and ACT avg. 29/36 composite 19 IB courses taught at Nease Currently there are 457 students in the program, 9th – 12th grades
Typical 9th Grade Pre-IB Schedule English 1- Pre-IB AP European History Biology 1 – Pre-IB Geometry Honors or Algebra 2 Honors Foreign Language – either French or Spanish 2 electives
Typical 10th Grade Schedule AP Language and Composition - Pre-IB AP Government/Government Honors Chemistry Pre-IB Spanish II or III or French II Pre-IB Algebra II Pre-IB or Pre-Calculus IB 2 Electives
Six IB Testing Areas/Groups Group 1 – English/Language Arts in the country’s first language Group 2 – World Language – second language Group 3 – History/Social Studies Group 4 – Sciences Group 5 – Mathematic Group 6 - Arts
IB Diploma Program Students College Preparedness Academic preparation and success Researchers also examined DP and non-DP students’ persistence as an indicator of college success. The results of a chi-squared test for independence indicated that students’ persistence in college was dependent on DP or non-DP group membership………a greater proportion of DP students persisted through college in comparison with non-DP students. Adjustment to college Researchers used the Adjustment Continuum activity to delve deeper into the differences between how DP and non-DP students adjust to college academically, socially and emotionally. Qualitative data from the design charettes suggest that students who participate in the DP during high school are more academically adjusted to the rigour and expectations of college courses.
Continued – Adjustment to college DP students also reported deeper understanding of the structure of knowledge, large concepts and how content connects across disciplines. Several students provided examples of interdisciplinary learning from high school, specifically connecting world events in DP history courses with analysis of literary impacts surrounding those same events in language A: literature. The DP students were able to take multiple perspectives on the same issues, could play the devil’s advocate, and were more comfortable with revising their positions.
3) Test Scores FCAT, PSAT, or other nationally normed test For admittance into the pre-IB program (9th and 10th grades) interested students will submit an application with the items listed below. Each area is awarded points which will determine a student’s score. Students will be ranked in a point order, and we will admit students from the list. 1) 8th grade report card 2) Strong teacher recommendations. We are looking for work ethic, character, and love of learning 3) Test Scores FCAT, PSAT, or other nationally normed test 4) Currently in Algebra I Honors or Geometry Honors
Need to Know IB Student/Parent Panel – here Thursday, 2/9 @ 6:00 Deadline to apply on HAC (student acct.) February 10th (SJCSD MS) Private school students must pre-enroll at the home zoned middle school in order to apply (paper application) St Augustine students interested in IB must apply for one of our other academies and once you are accepted into that academy email me to let me know you are interested. Teacher Recommendation Form is on the Nease website under “Academics” and drop down to IB.
http://www.ibo.org/benefits/why-the-ib-is-different/ http://www.ibo.org/globalassets/publications/ib- research/collegereadinesssummaryeng.pdf www.ibo.org www.ibis.ibo.org http://www.ibo.org/globalassets/digital-tookit/presentations/1503- presentation-whatisanibeducation-en.pdf https://player.vimeo.com/video/92725628
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