IEEE Region 5 Robotics Missouri S&T
Robotics Members Bradley Hobbs – Robotics Team Lead and Hardware Blake Krodinger – SolidWorks Body Design and Machinist Ryan Vasquez – Circuit Board Design and Cameraman Alex Lopez – Driver and Software Coding Jacob Humphrey – Visual and Software Coding
Computer Model to Life Design in solidworks True Robot
A Long Journey of Learning Soldering parts to pcb’s Communication Problem
Hardware implementation Clean and lightweight, holes for heat dispersion, low profile for 1 Cubic foot parameters.
Software Development for Object Control Serial based led matrix 4 servo motor arm
5 board stack-up Designed around M7 connectors for stack-up, 6 x 18650 power, I/O Board, Power Management Board, 2 Motor Control Boards, a Processing Board and a Raspberry Pi 3.
peripherals 4 motors with encoders, 2 x 180 degree servos, 2 x 210 degree servos, 4 sonic sensors, a WebCam, an LED matrix, and a Claw
Trip to Colorado
Region 5 Conference in Denver Placed 22 out of 32