Vocabulary Review
~d'a' Man
#r,a, Land, earth, ground
~yhil{a/ God, gods
ba' Father
lae God
!Be Son
tyIB; House
rb;D' Word, thing
~Ay Day
laer'f.yI Israel
~il;f'Wry> Jerusalem
(Can be used of casting a foundation) ~il;f'Wry> hr'y" B To cast, throw, or shoot (Can be used of casting a foundation) ~Alv' B Peace
hw''hy> Yahweh
~yIr;c.mi Egypt
hv,mo Moses
%l,m, King
sWs Horse
rb,[, Slave, servant
h[or.P; Pharaoh
hn'v' Year
~ve Name
yn"doa] Lord
xa' Brother
vyai Man
hv'ai Woman
tB; Daughter
ywOG Nation
%r,D, Way, Road, Journey
rh; Mountain, Hill
!heKo Priest
ble Heart
~yIm; Water
Vp,n< Soul
aybin" Prophet
rp,se Book, Scroll
!yI[; Eye
ry[i City
When used as a verb: To make war, serve ab'c' Host, army When used as a verb: To make war, serve
lwOq Voice, sound
varo Head
hr'AT Law Instruction
vae Fire
lk'yhe Temple, palace
w> And, but
bh'z" Gold
br,x, Sword
Living, alive (adjective) yh; Living, alive (adjective)
dl,y< Child
~y" Sea
@s,K, Silver
hKo Thus, here
~yIm;V'h; tAdl.At hL,ae #r<a'h'w> (Genesis 2:4) of the heavens generations These #r<a'h'w> and the earth (Genesis 2:4)
~Aqm' Place
~Aqm' Place
jP'v.mi Judgment
x;Bez>mi Altar
Utterance, announcement ~aun> Utterance, announcement
~l'A[ Everlasting, ancient
!n"[' Cloud
x;Wr Spirit, wind
Prince, official, commander rfe Prince, official, commander
r[;v; Gate r[;v' B To split open
~yIm;v' Heaven, sky
~d"a'h'-ta, ~yhil{a/ hw"hy> rc,yYIw: the man And formed God Yahweh wyP'a;B. xP;YIw: hm'd"a]h'-!mi rp'[' into his nostrils and breathed the ground from of dust vp,n<l. ~d"a'h' yhiy>w: ~yYIx; tm;v.nI to a soul the man and he became of lives breath hY"x; (Genesis 2:7) alive