Chapter XXII Part 1
auxilio Meaning: with the help Part of Speech: Noun (ablative of manner)
raedario Meaning: to the coachman Part of Speech: Noun (dative)
Se parare Meaning: to prepare oneself, to get ready Part of Speech: Verb
Immemor, immemoris Meaning: forgetful Part of Speech: Adjective (follow with noun in the genitive case!)
Nocturnus, -a, -um Meaning: happening at night Part of Speech: Adjective Derivatives: nocturnal
Corneliae Meaning: to Cornelia Part of Speech: Noun (dative)
Mandatum, mandati n. Meaning: order, instruction Part of Speech: Noun Derivatives: mandate
bene Meaning: well Part of speech: Adverb Derivatives: Benefit Beneficial Beneficiary benign
habenae, habenarum f.
Meaning: reins Part of Speech: Noun (always plural)
Uxori Meaning: to (his) wife Part of Speech: Noun (dative) Derivatives: Uxorial uxurious
cum Meaning: when Part of Speech: conjunction
Ingens, ingentis Meaning: huge Part of Speech: Adjective