Famous Inventions of the Industrial Revolution And why they are important
James Watt ________________________________________ It can drive wheels and in mills. It can turn propellers in ships and wheels on trains and cars… STEAM ENGINE
Alexander Graham Bell Invented Telephone ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Rapidly increased the flow of information between businesses.
Thomas Edison _____________________, which enabled sounds to be recorded and played back. Also created the ________ __________________________________________________________________
Orville and Wilbur Wright YEAR: 1903 ________________________________________________________________________ Enabled travel between continents that previously had to be achieved by ship. _______________________________________________________________ First Airplane
Henry Ford ________________________________________ YEAR: 1909 ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Led to a boom in industry of car related products and services. Model T Ford
Henry Ford ______________________________________________ YEAR: 1913 Assembly Line ______________________________________________ Became the model for all industries everywhere.