APPLYING FOR A JOB AND GOING FOR AN INTERVIEW – INTRODUCTION TO MIGREAT MODULE 7 The “MiGreat Project”- n. 2016-1-IT01-KA202-005348 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which might be made of the information contained herein.
So, you want to apply for a job. But how do you do it So, you want to apply for a job? But how do you do it? One way is to read ads in a magazine, newspaper or on the web. In both cases, you need to put a personal letter together, telling the employer why you are the best for the position. Sometimes venues are organised, where employers and job seekers run a speed-date – that is, trying to get to know each other as quickly as possible, to see if they can have a future together. It is like an audition, where an employer ask potential applicants to show up and present themselves. Another modern form is recruitment meetings, which sometime are held by Employment Agencies. They can either be open to anyone interested or for specially invited. An older, more tried and tested method is to simply walk around and ask: at the supermarket, the store, dog kindergarten: Do you need someone? Here you will find out how to succeed – no matter what job you are looking for and how you apply for it! WHERE TO FIND WORK
FILLING IN AN APPLICATION FORM Read the whole form carefully before completing it. Make a rough copy and ask someone to check it. Write neatly and use black ink or biro. Follow instructions exactly, it may ask for BLOACK CAPITALS in some sections. Answer the questions fully, using sentences where possible. Write your address in full, not forgetting the post code. Make sure you list all course and qualifications. List examinations taken or about to be taken. Enter estimated grades if known. Compete the section on previous employment by entering part-time jobs, paid or voluntary, and your work experience placement. Include the things you enjoy doing in your spare-time in the interests and activities section. Use the opportunity to sell yourself in the section which ask for further information. Try to relate your strengths to the skills and qualities that the employer will be looking for. Check that your application is accurate and has no spelling mistakes. Keep a copy of your application form for future reference. Use your Personal Education Plan (PEP)/progress file and action plan to help you complete the form. Return your application form promptly – there is often a closing date for receipt of applications. Don’t leave blank spaces, write ‘not applicable’ (N/A for short) or none to questions that do not apply to you. FILLING IN AN APPLICATION FORM
CHECK LIST FOR A CV Check Spelling Check Grammar No more than 2 x A4 No dence paragraphs Easy and clear to read Most important information on first page Use bullet points to make it easily read Use BOLD and italic to highlight important parts No more than two different fonts Put your name at the top in large font Do you speak any languages? What IT skills do you have? Do you have a full driving licence Show a broad variety of interests relevant to the joband show how you can get along with others Did you include any referees CHECK LIST FOR A CV
PREPARING FOR AN INTERVIEW Employers often arrange interview and will look for your strengths and weaknesses, evaluate your qualifications, experience and other abilities and try to determine your attitude to work, your suitability, your motivation and maturity. An interview can seem challenging and exciting, but sometimes difficult and a bit scary. The interview is mostly for the employer to gather as much information about you as possible, to see if you are the one they are looking for. Some employers are good at this, others are less accustomed to make interviews. The interaction between you and the interviewer is important for you to succeed in an interview. Therefore, here are things you can do to prepare yourself. PREPARING FOR AN INTERVIEW
How would you dress for an interview in these lines of business How would you dress for an interview in these lines of business? Find pictures on the internet, newspapers and magazines and compare them in class. Do you have the same idea of the level of formality? o Administration, Economics, Law o Building and Construction o Computer/IT o Sales and Marketing o Handcraft professions o Hotels, Restaurants, Catering o Healthcare HOW WOULD YOU DRESS
QUESTIONS TO PREPARE FOR AN INTERVIEW 1. Can you tell us about yourself? (This can sometimes be the first and indeed only question you get.) 2. Why did you choose your profession? What do you want to do in the future? 3. Why do you want to work in our company? What do you know about our company? 4. Which of our products or services do you find most interesting? 5. What are your expectations for the job? 6. What do you want to work with in five years? In ten years? 7. How do you handle stress? 8. How do you make decisions? Do you do it yourself or in consultation with others? On what grounds do you decide? 9. What is your salary today/on your last job? Can you start tomorrow, or is there a period of notice? 10. What kind of leadership brings out the best in you? 11. What have you learned on the jobs you had before? What jobs did you like most? 12. Can you provide references from previous employers? 13. What initiatives have you taken in the past for your own professional development? 14. What are your strengths? 15. What is your greatest weakness, or your worst trait? 16. What does cooperation mean to you? 17. How do you handle conflict? QUESTIONS TO PREPARE FOR AN INTERVIEW