Thomas Alva Edison Inventor and Scientist
Biography -Edison born February 11 1847 that adheres to the Ohio country, United States. -He is the youngest son. -His father named Samuel Edison and his mother named Nancy Matthews Elliott. -He died October 18 1931.
-Basic education at a school in port huron city but with his mischievous exposed at. -Frequently, schools suspended so he could not go to school. Later, a better mother, teaching him to read.
Thomas Edison. "The great inventor Thomas Edison. "The great inventor." Start inventing things when he was only 10 years old. Can create a recorder. He has been honored as the inventor and great scientist as He didn"t study much, but can learn from outside the school and grabbed experiment self to be famous.
1.light bulb.
3. Amplifier
BY Suteera Tomcum No.7 M.4.2