Year 4 Spring 2018 SCIENCE ENGLISH GEOGRAPHY DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PE RE Animals Group and classify animals Habitats Food chains ENGLISH Reading for understanding Writing to Inform Recount of zoo visit Biography of Beatrix Potter Writing to Entertain Friendship Poem Animal story Year 4 Spring 2018 Alice in Wonderland Theme GEOGRAPHY Recognise that environments can change and this can pose dangers to living things Study of the landscape of ‘The Lakes’ WOW Starter Trip to Chester Zoo DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Make a bird feeder from reclaimed materials PE Swimming Weekly Lesson led by Sports Coach Dance Workshop Bikeability RE Creation Stories Parables Easter Story COMPUTING Online Safety Understand Computational Thinking MUSIC Wider Opportunities – learn to play an instrument ART Paint a zoo animal using paint & brusho on canvas Study of the work & illustrations of Beatrix Potter – use pencil and paint on paper MATHS Discrete lessons covering National Curriculum and cross-curricular activities