Jamari Robinson U.S. History 1 Electricity Jamari Robinson U.S. History 1
History of Electricity Benjamin Franklin kite activity discovered that lightning was electricity. The discovery was the beginning of curiosity, inventions, and advancements. Many inventors used electricity. Thomas who is one of the most well known inventors invented the light-bulb(1879) and also the electric chair (1889). With time the use of electricity continues to improve and advance. Electricity is now used to power products of today of higher complexity and convenience.`
Benefits ñ Thomas Edison's light-bulb was used for providing efficient lighting in a time when they relied on fire lamps to light a room. Products of today that are more advanced and useful such as cell phones, computers, game Consoles, home appliances, etc. are powered by electricity and is fairly important in our lives and in society. Electricity improves more and more to benefit the people and has revolutionized the use of technology.
Harms Electricity was viewed as threatening and was feared by many who found it dangerous. It was Germans that electricity was a phenomenon of the devil. The invention of the electric chair was used to execute people for crimes. This was harmful to society because not everyone knew it was right to kill through electricity. Electricity promoted war in 1871 when the arc lights were used to help the French fight off Germans this was viewed as good to the Germans but those who were against war opposed it. Today some things that are electricity powered a lot cause pollution which could possibly lead to global warming.
ñ Electricity was viewed as threatening and was feared by many who found it dangerous. It was Germans that believed that electricity was a phenomenon of the devil. The invention of the electric chair was used to execute people for crimes. This was harmful to society because not everyone knew it was right to kill through electricity. Electricity promoted war in 1871 when the arc lights were used to help the French fight off Germans this was viewed as good to the Germans but those who were against war opposed it. Today some things that are electricity powered a lot cause pollution which could possibly lead to global warming.
Overall Electricity has been mostly beneficial to society. The benefits outweighs the harm that electricity has caused over the years. Electricity changed the lives of the world by improving it by adding convince to it. Mostly all the things we use today are powered by electricity in some way. Electricity provided advancements in communication, transportation, utilization which makes it the center piece of technology today.
Works Cited http://www.code-electrical.com/historyofelectricity.html http://www.fi.edu/learn/sci-tech/edison-lightbulb/edison-lightbulb.php?cts=electricity http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0215471/global_warming.htm http://www.powerscorecard.org/issue_detail.cfm?issue_id=1 http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/on-line/energyhall/page170.asp