Closing Brunch Sponsored by: Union Pacific Railroad Handouts and presentation are available online at Submit your city’s photo for display on the site. Thank you, Council Member Gulick. Hopefully you’ve all noticed that the League has a new Web site. We’re still at iowa, but we got a facelift. *click slide for animation The new site includes much of the same information, many of the same features, and updates to lots of old tools. *click slide animation But before we get into that, I wanted let you know that your city’s face can appear on our new site. The photos at the top scoll, and we’d love to get as many city photos as possible for use there. *click for NEXT SLIDE Must Log In The Member Resources area contains the majority of the information on the site. *click for animation However, you have to log in to get the information. With this new site, you’ll need to create a new username and password. You can do this by clicking on any of the categories within Member Resources. *Click NEXT SLIDE New Site, New Username & Password You’ll get a page with this box, where you can create a new account, or sign-in again. When creating a new account, it will take about one business day for your access to be approved—during that time, we’ll ensure you’re a member. After all, membership does have it’s privileges. *Click to NEXT SLIDE Enhanced Public Calendar That said, there is some pretty great information on the public portion of the site. *Click for animation. For instance, the calendar on the new site includes not just league events, but any event we know about that could be of interest to cities. So please, tell about us your regional meetings and let the other groups you’re part of know about this. *click to NEXT SLIDE So check it out. Poke around. Let us know what you think. Then check it out again, as we plan to keep making updates. *Click to NEXT SLIDE (NOT part of presentation.)
Closing Brunch Sponsored by: Union Pacific Railroad Handouts and presentation are available online at