Family Album 2014
Special thanks to all our office volunteers!
Obama’s State of the Union Watching Party
SREC Mary Holmsley hosted the valentine’s day office volunteer appreciation lunch
Precinct 7 Justice of the Peace - Elect Congratulations! Precinct 7 Justice of the Peace - Elect Kelly Dickson
Republican Haggerty to Commissioners Court Congratulations county commissioner #4 Andrew Haggerty!!
Naturalization Day! WELCOME COMMITTEE
Crystal and Sylvia Welcome New Citizens
Karina and Bob Brave the Rain
West El Paso Republican Women & UTEP College Republicans Welcome New Mexico Governor, Susana Martinez
Tom and Mary Holmsley Host Governor Martinez
Robyn Cooper and “da Gov” Jo and Her New BFF Robyn Cooper and “da Gov”
Ana Bautista and Susana Virginia and Charlie Hooten
UTEP College Republicans with New Mexico Governor Martinez
“Dance Surprises” Da Gov and Martinez sisters take SELFIES Flash Mob “Dance Surprises” Da Gov and Mr. Martinez Martinez sisters take SELFIES
Flash Mob by Riverside High School Rangerettes entertained Martinez and friends
Mayor Oscar Leeser speaks before West El Paso Republican Women
UTEP College Republicans with Mayor Oscar Leeser & WEPRW President Becky Hermosillo at monthly meeting
Ptc. 4 County Commissioner Andrew Haggerty at forum
WEPRW Monthly Meetings
UTEP College Republicans
Delegate Angel Ortiz challenges Chairman Holmsley at Convention
GOP local candidates & Delegates at El Paso County Convention 2014
Congressman elect - Will Hurd Border Crossing Visit
Bob Pena and Crystal Rodriquez accompany Will Hurd inspecting the Border fence
Year-Round Block Walks
These boots were made for walking!
Volunteer Ron Bruce teamed with Peña to Block walk
S P A N I H M E D I A text
Sylvia Richards and Uncle Sam walk Fourth of July parade
Fourth of July Parade
Justice jeff boyd addresses GOP executive meeting
Abortion protesters at Wendy davis office
College Republican Moises Blankenship September 11 Memorial Tradition
Greg abbot with chuck norris at gun central
Mary Haynes & Susan Banta Make table decorations for Cecilia Abbott
Comptroller Glenn Hegar
Attorney Stephanie Townsend Allala at WEPRW
J. P. Candidates Forum
Kelly, Mary and Sylvia
Debut of Red T-shirts!
Vice Chair Becky Hermosillo introduces UTEP CR’s
J.P. Candidate Ida Gardner
Lights, Camera, Action!!!
El Paso Republican Women brunch Greater El Paso Republican Women brunch
Lincoln Day Dinner with Greg Abbott
YWCA Race Against Racism
Election Judges Training Classes
Kelly, Sylvia, Becky and Sylvia at Cecilia Abbott brunch
Cecilia Abbott attracts record crowd
GEPRW President?
WEPRW Royal Estates Meeting
Radison Hotel Brunch with Cecilia Abbott
Texas GOP Convention Delegate Mike Schmid
El Paso Delegates at Fort Worth GOP Convention
Incoming First Lady Welcomed by Sylvia
Fordom’s and Telles’s Hear Senator Ted Cruz
Convention Business??
40 student clerks work elections with GOP
Art Richards, Greg Abbott and Sylvia Richards at fundraiser
GOP Election Officials Helped with signs
Governor Martinez at UTEP SUB
GEPRW moved meetings to Lubys
Event Planning Meeting Governor Martinez Event Planning Meeting
El Pasoans came to see me?!” “400 El Pasoans came to see me?!”
Rose Falcon and her Bud
Yea, he’s sooooo cute!!
And you ain’t seen nutin yet !