3-20-17 National Ravioli Day PROPERTY A SLIDES 3-20-17 National Ravioli Day
On Course Page for Chapter 3 Monday March 20 Music to Accompany EFI Problems: Wynton Marsalis, Trumpet Classic Wynton (1998) On Course Page for Chapter 3 General Info on Test Logistics (E- Mail if Qs) Some Sample Exam Qs & Answers (Rest Posted After Class Tomorrow) From Test Itself: Instructions Page & Attached Version of Syllabus On Course Page for Ch. 4 & 5 Supplemental Materials Updated Syllabus Updated Assignment Sheet (thru 3/30) I’ll Post on Face of Page Later Today: Assignments for Thursday, Friday, Tuesday
ADDITIONAL LOGISTICS Prep for Chapter 3 Test On Course Page Additional Comments/Best Answers for Exam Qs Testing Chapters 1 & 2 Entry Form/Instructions for MARC MADNESS Annual NCAA Sweet 16 Pool Winner from This Section Gets Dinner No Knowledge Needed to Play Prep for Chapter 3 Test Extended Office Hours Every Day from Today Sunday Listed on Course Page Just Come In (No Secret Qs) Sat/Sun in 2d Floor Library Classroom Sunday 7pm Deadline for Reasonable E-Mail Qs
The Origin of Reese’s PEANUT BUTTER EGGS PROPERTY A: 3/20 MONDAY Pop Culture Moment The Origin of Reese’s PEANUT BUTTER EGGS
Previously in Property A: Chapter 3 Distinctions You Should Know Basics: Present Possessory Estates v. Future Interests Fee Simple v. Finite Present Estates Common Law v. Today We’ll Review Now: Reversions v. Remainders Vested v. Contingent Remainders Remainders v. Executory Interests We’ll Review Before Doing Problem 3I : Determinable v. on Condition Subsequent
WARM-UP/REVIEW (Mostly from 3/9 Class): Key Ideas/Terms to Set Up Problems 3L-3N Reversion v. Remainder REVERSION: Future interest implicitly retained by grantor when s/he conveys a finite estate without indicating who will have rights when it expires. REMAINDER: Future interest in a third party that follows naturally upon the termination of a finite estate. It is always expressly conveyed by the grantor.
WARM-UP/REVIEW (Mostly from 3/9 Class): Key Ideas/Terms to Set Up Problems 3L-3N VESTED Remainder IF: Grantee is living ascertainable person AND Clause creating the remainder contains no condition on grantee taking the property except expiration of prior estate. CONTINGENT Remainder I IF: Grantee is presently unborn or unascertainable OR Clause creating the remainder contains an explicit condition on grantee taking the property.
Remainder v. Executory Interest WARM-UP/REVIEW (Mostly from 3/9 Class): Key Ideas/Terms to Set Up Problems 3L-3N Remainder v. Executory Interest REMAINDER: Future interest in a third party that follows naturally upon the termination of a finite estate. EXECUTORY INTEREST: Future interest in a third party that cuts off a prior vested interest (present estate or reversion or vested remainder) rather than waiting for it to expire naturally.
Shifting v. Springing Executory Interests WARM-UP/REVIEW (Mostly from 3/9 Class): Key Ideas/Terms to Set Up Problems 3L-3N Shifting v. Springing Executory Interests No legal consequence; just categorization. Shifting Executory Interest cuts off interest of another grantee. To Danny & his heirs so long as no tobacco is grown on the land, otherwise to Arturo and his heirs. Springing Exec. Interest cuts off grantor’s fee simple or reversion. To Yujia & her heirs if she passes the California Bar Exam. S(Would cut off grantor’s fee simple).
WARM-UP/REVIEW (Mostly from 3/9 Class): Key Ideas/Terms to Set Up Problems 3L-3N Alternative Contingent Remainders Two contingent remainders for which the event that causes one to vest will destroy the other. Example: To K for life, then to L and her heirs if she graduates from law school, but if she never graduates from law school, then to M and her heirs. Here, only two possibilities: EITHER (1) L will graduate from law school (and would then take) OR (2) she will die before graduating from law school (M would then take)
WARM-UP/REVIEW (Mostly from 3/9 Class): Key Ideas/Terms to Set Up Problems 3L-3N Alternative Contingent Remainders Two contingent remainders for which the event that causes one to vest will destroy the other. Example: To K for life, then to L and her heirs if she graduates from law school, but if she never graduates from law school, then to M and her heirs. When Alternative Contingent Remainders Created, Grantor Always Retains a Reversion
Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment WARM-UP/REVIEW (Mostly from 3/9 Class): Key Ideas/Terms to Set Up Problems 3L-3N Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment Vested Remainder followed by an Executory Interest that could cut off the remainder before it becomes possessory. E.g., Kramer’s interest in (3K): “To George for life, then to Kramer and his heirs; but if Kramer does not attain the age of 21, then to Elaine and her heirs."
WARM-UP/REVIEW (Mostly from 3/9 Class): Key Ideas/Terms to Set Up Problems 3L-3N (1) Alternative Contingent Remainders v. (2) Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment O “to A for life, then to B & her heirs if she turns 21, but if B dies before 21, then to C and his heirs.” (Also Creates Reversion in O). (2) O “to A for life, then to B & her heirs, but if B dies before 21, then to C & his heirs.” (No Reversion in O)
New Material: Problems 3L-3N Everglades: Problem 3L THEN Sequoia: Problem 3M & Badlands: Problem 3N Hold Qs Until We’ve Worked Through All Three
Everglades (3L): Daffy "to Tweety for life, then to such of Tweety's children as survive him, but if none of Tweety's children survives him, then to Peggy and her heirs." Tweety has 2 children, Heckle and Jeckle. Tweety: ?
Tweety: Life Estate Tweety’s Children? Everglades (3L): Daffy "to Tweety for life, then to such of Tweety's children as survive him, but if none of Tweety's children survives him, then to Peggy and her heirs." Tweety has 2 children, Heckle and Jeckle. Tweety: Life Estate Tweety’s Children?
Everglades (3L): Daffy "to Tweety for life, then to such of Tweety's children as survive him, but if none of Tweety's children survives him, then to Peggy and her heirs." Tweety has 2 children, Heckle and Jeckle. Tweety: Life Estate Tweety’s Children: Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) (Must Survive Tweety) Peggy?
Everglades (3L): Daffy "to Tweety for life, then to such of Tweety's children as survive him, but if none of Tweety's children survives him, then to Peggy and her heirs." Tweety has 2 children, Heckle and Jeckle. Tweety: Life Estate Tweety’s Children: Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) Peggy: Alternative Contingent Remainder (in f.s.): Only 2 Possibilities: Tweety survived by children (who take) Tweety not survived by children (Peggy takes)
Everglades (3L): Daffy "to Tweety for life, then to such of Tweety's children as survive him, but if none of Tweety's children survives him, then to Peggy and her heirs." Tweety has 2 children, Heckle and Jeckle. Tweety: Life Estate Tweety’s Children: Alternative Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) Peggy: Alternative Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) Anything Else?
Daffy: Reversion (even when alternate contingent remainders) Everglades (3L): Daffy "to Tweety for life, then to such of Tweety's children as survive him, but if none of Tweety's children survives him, then to Peggy and her heirs." Tweety has 2 children, Heckle and Jeckle. Tweety: Life Estate Tweety’s Children: Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) Peggy: Alternative Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) Daffy: Reversion (even when alternate contingent remainders)
Everglades (3L): Daffy "to Tweety for life, then to such of Tweety's children as survive him, but if none of Tweety's children survives him, then to Peggy and her heirs." Tweety: Life Estate Tweety’s Children: Alternative Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) Peggy: Alternative Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) Daffy: Reversion (even when alternate contingent remainders)
Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has no children. Billy: ?
Billy: Life Estate Billy’s children: ? Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has no children. Billy: Life Estate Billy’s children: ?
Billy’s children: Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) (Unborn) Jo: ? Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has no children. Billy: Life Estate Billy’s children: Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) (Unborn) Jo: ?
Alternative Contingent Remainders Two contingent remainders for which the event that causes one to vest will destroy the other.
Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has no children. When does contingent remainder in B’s children vest?
Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has no children. Contingent remainder in B’s children vests when a child of B’s is born. When does contingent remainder in Jo vest?
Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has no children. Contingent remainder in B’s children vests when a child of B’s is born. Contingent remainder in Jo vests when Billy dies survived by no children. Is the interest in Jo destroyed when the interest in the children vests?
Jo: Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) (Not alternate) Anything Else? Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has no children. Billy: Life Estate Billy’s children: Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) Jo: Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) (Not alternate) Anything Else?
Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has no children. Billy: Life Estate Billy’s children: Contingent Remainder (in f.s.) Jo: Contingent rem. (in f.s.) (Not alternate) Amanda: Reversion
Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has no children. Billy: Life Estate Billy’s children: Contingent Rem. (in f.s.) (unborn) Jo: Contingent Rem. (in f.s.) (Not Alternative) Amanda: Reversion
Billy: Life Estate Sydney? Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has a child, Sydney. Billy: Life Estate Sydney?
Sydney: Vested Remainder (in f.s.) … Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has a child, Sydney. Billy: Life Estate Sydney: Vested Remainder (in f.s.) … Subject to Open (B can have more children) … Subject to Divestment (interest lost if none of B’s children survive B) Jo?
Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has a child, Sydney. Billy: Life Estate Sydney: Vested Remainder (in f.s.) Subject to Open, Subject to Divestment Jo: Shifting Executory Interest (in f.s.) (would cut off vested remainder) Amanda?
Sequoia (3M): Amanda "to Billy for life, then to Billy's children and their heirs, but if at Billy's death he is not survived by any children, then to Jo and her heirs." Billy has a child, Sydney. Billy: Life Estate Sydney: Vested Remainder (in f.s.) Subject to Open, Subject to Divestment Jo: Shifting Executory Interest (in f.s.) (would cut off vested remainder) Amanda: Nothing (Reversion divests when 1st contingent remainder vests)
Significance: Alt. Contingent Remainders (1) v Significance: Alt. Contingent Remainders (1) v. Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment (2) To A for life, then to B & her heirs if she turns 21, but if B dies before 21, then to C and his heirs. Reversion in O. (2) To A for life, then to B & her heirs, but if B dies before 21, then to C & his heirs. (No Reversion in O)
Significance: Alt. Contingent Remainders (1) v Significance: Alt. Contingent Remainders (1) v. Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment (2) (1) To A for life, then to B & heirs if she turns 21, but if B dies before 21, then to C & heirs. Reversion in O. (2) To A for life, then to B & her heirs, but if B dies before 21, then to C & his heirs. Both 1+2: If A alive & B dies at 14: B gets Nothing; C gets fee simple at A’s death
Significance: Alt. Contingent Remainders (1) v Significance: Alt. Contingent Remainders (1) v. Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment (2) (1) To A for life, then to B & heirs if she turns 21, but if B dies before 21, then to C & heirs. Reversion in O. (2) To A for life, then to B & her heirs, but if B dies before 21, then to C & his heirs. Both 1+2: If A alive & B turns 21: B has vested remainder C’s interest fails
Significance: Alt. Contingent Remainders (1) v Significance: Alt. Contingent Remainders (1) v. Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment (2) (1) To A for life, then to B & her heirs if she turns 21, but if B dies before 21, then to C and his heirs. Reversion in O. (2) To A for life, then to B & her heirs, but if B dies before 21, then to C & his heirs. (1) If A dies & B not yet 21 (if Contigent Remainder): Conditions not met for either B or C. Remainders either destroyed or become Springing Executory Interests O takes Fee Simple [on Executory Limitation in Modern View (exc. FL)]
Significance: Alt. Contingent Remainders (1) v Significance: Alt. Contingent Remainders (1) v. Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment (2) (1) To A for life, then to B & her heirs if she turns 21, but if B dies before 21, then to C and his heirs. Reversion in O. (2) To A for life, then to B & her heirs, but if B dies before 21, then to C & his heirs. (2) If A dies & B not yet 21 (if Vested Rem. Subj. to Divmt) No requirement that B turn 21 to take possession, so B does take possession and has Fee Simple on Executory Limitation. C still has Shifting Executory Interest that will become possessory if B dies before turning 21.
Badlands (3N): Clark “to Jimmy for life, then to Lois & her heirs, but if Jimmy is survived at his death by any children, then to such surviving children & their heirs. Jimmy has two children, Perry & Della. Jimmy?
Jimmy: Life Estate Lois? Badlands (3N): Clark “to Jimmy for life, then to Lois & her heirs, but if Jimmy is survived at his death by any children, then to such surviving children & their heirs. Jimmy has two children, Perry & Della. Jimmy: Life Estate Lois?
Lois: Vested Remainder (in f.s.) Subject to Divestment J’s Children Badlands (3N): Clark “to Jimmy for life, then to Lois & her heirs, but if Jimmy is survived at his death by any children, then to such surviving children & their heirs. Jimmy has two children, Perry & Della. Jimmy: Life Estate Lois: Vested Remainder (in f.s.) Subject to Divestment J’s Children
J’s Children: Shifting Executory Interest (in f.s.) Clark? Badlands (3N): Clark “to Jimmy for life, then to Lois & her heirs, but if Jimmy is survived at his death by any children, then to such surviving children & their heirs. Jimmy has two children, Perry & Della. Jimmy: Life Estate Lois: Vested Remainder (in f.s.) Subject to Divestment J’s Children: Shifting Executory Interest (in f.s.) Clark?
Badlands (3N): Clark “to Jimmy for life, then to Lois & her heirs, but if Jimmy is survived at his death by any children, then to such surviving children & their heirs. Jimmy has two children, Perry & Della. Jimmy: Life Estate Lois: Vested Remainder (in f.s.) Subject to Divestment J’s Children: Shifting Executory Interest (in f.s.) Clark: Nothing
GRANTS IN (3L) & (3M) & (3N) ALL TRYING TO DO SAME THINGS: To A for life, then … If A has any surviving children, they take. If no surviving children, to B. BUT The Precise Wording of Each Grant Creates a Slightly Different Set of Interests
(3L) & (3M) & (3N) Test Note #4: Test Will Include Grants Modeled on At Least Two of These Problems. I’ll Ask You to: Identify the Interests Created; and Identify the State of the Title as Relevant Parties are Born or Die.
(3L) & (3M) & (3N) QUESTIONS?
Remainders & Executory Interests: Additional Information
Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment (1) v. Vested Remainder in F. S Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment (1) v. Vested Remainder in F.S. subj. to Exec. Lim. (2) (1) To A for life, then to B & her heirs, but if B dies before turning 21, then to C & his heirs. Condition might occur before B obtains possession.
Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment (1) v. Vested Remainder in F. S Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment (1) v. Vested Remainder in F.S. subj. to Exec. Lim. (2) (1) To A for life, then to B & her heirs, but if B dies before turning 21, then to C & his heirs. Condition might occur before B takes possession. (2) To A for life, then to B & her heirs, but if B ever uses the land for commercial purposes, to C & his heirs. Condition is a limit on B’s use of the land and cannot occur before B takes possession.
TERMINOLOGY: ME v. WORKBOOK To A for life, then to B & her heirs, but if B dies before turning 21, then to C & his heirs. Condition might occur before B takes possession, but also might occur after. WORKBOOK (p93): Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment in Fee Simple on Executory Limitation. ME: Phrase in italics is accurate but unnecessary. In multiple choice answers, I will simply call this interest a Vested Remainder Subject to Divestment (as long as it might occur before possession).
DEFEASIBLE FEES: Two Relevant Distinctions Who holds future interest?: Grantor v. Grantee Automatic termination v. Needs action by future interest holder Yields Following Flow Chart
TERMINOLOGY: ME v. WORKBOOK (Reminder) Defeasible fee in form of a Fee Simple Determinable BUT with the future interest in third party: Me (& Restatement & You on Test): “Fee Simple on Executory Limitation” Workbook: “Fee Simple Determinable” (See Workbook p.72 fn19)
Review: Accessorizing Defeasible Fees & Matching Future Interests FEE SIMPLE DETERMINABLE & Possibility of Reverter F.S. ON CONDITION SUBSEQUENT & Right of Re[Entry] F.S. ON EXECUTORY LIMITATION & Executory Interest
Review: Examples of Defeasible Finite Estates Term of Years on Condition Subsequent: “To Rohan for 20 years, but if he ever passes the bar exam, I can enter & retake.” Life Estate on Executory Limitation “To Shane for life, but to Steven & his heirs if Steven ever passes the bar exam.”
REVIEW Defeasible Finite Estates & Matching Future Interests Defeasible Finite Estates Necessarily Create Two Future Interests One cuts off the finite estate if the condition is met One follows at the end of the finite estate if it terminates naturally (i.e., if the condition is not met). If One Person Holds Both of These Future Interests, They Will Merge Into the “Larger” Interest
REVIEW Defeasible Finite Estates & Matching Future Interests Defeasible Finite Estates Necessarily Create Two Future Interests If One Person Holds Both of These Future Interests, They Will Merge Into the “Larger” Interest Example (3H): Thelma conveys “To Louise for 99 Years if Louise so long live." Louise: Term of years determinable. Thelma: Possibility of Reverter plus Reversion Reversion (Merger) (Merger captures idea that T will end up with land eventually no matter what.)
Defeasible Finite Estates & Matching Future Interests Defeasible Finite Estates Necessarily Create Two Future Interests If One Person Holds Both of These Future Interests, They Will Merge Into the “Larger” Interest NEW Example (E79): O “To A for life or until A divorces, then to B" A: Life Estate on Executory Limitation. B: Shifting Exec. Int. + Vested Remainder Vested Rem. (Merger) (Again, merger captures idea that B will end up with land eventually no matter what.)
Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." ` J opens a restaurant that serves several dishes cooked with wine or flamed with brandy and at Sunday brunch offers a free glass of champagne. The restaurant is successful, and 11 years after its opening D wants to buy it and add a bar. Advise D.
MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS (from Course Page) Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS (from Course Page) Corresponds to Plausible Sequence of Multiple Choice Qs FSD or FSCS? CONDITION VIOLATED? EFFECT OF VIOLATION? ADVICE RE PURCHASE
MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS FSD or FSCS? Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS FSD or FSCS? CONDITION VIOLATED? EFFECT OF VIOLATION? ADVICE RE PURCHASE
Arguments for Each Position? Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." FSD or FSCS? Does Orrin’s interest vest automatically (FSD) or does he have to act (FSCS)? Arguments for Each Position?
FSD or FSCS: Arguments Include: Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." FSD or FSCS: Arguments Include: “So long as” & condition built into 1st clause suggest FSD Moment of violation likely pretty clear, so can be FSD “Right to re-enter” & 2 clauses suggest FSCS “Retains” suggests FSCS b/c implies that O’s right can be held for some period of time after violation Most states: Presumption favoring FSCS Mahrenholz: More like punishment than purpose (suggests FSCS)
CONDITION VIOLATED? MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS FSD or FSCS? Some Arguments Each Way CONDITION VIOLATED? EFFECT OF VIOLATION? ADVICE RE PURCHASE
Does It Violate Condition if J’s Restaurant: Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." Does It Violate Condition if J’s Restaurant: Serves several dishes cooked with wine or flamed with brandy? At Sunday brunch offers complimentary glass of Champagne?
MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS EFFECT OF VIOLATION? CONDITION VIOLATED? Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS FSD or FSCS? CONDITION VIOLATED? No Direct Sale of Liquor for $$$; Cooking Removes Actual Alcohol; Flavored Dishes Maybe Not w/in Intent BUT: Cost of Alcohol Incorporated in Purchase Price; Diners Buying Alcohol in Meals; Glass of Champagne Maybe w/in Intent EFFECT OF VIOLATION? ADVICE RE PURCHASE
MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS EFFECT OF VIOLATION? Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS FSD or FSCS? (Last Time: Arguments Both Ways) CONDITION VIOLATED? (Last Time: Arguments Both Ways) EFFECT OF VIOLATION? If FSD & Poss. of Reverter? If FSCS & Rt. of Entry ADVICE RE PURCHASE
J has FSD & O has Possibility of Reverter Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." Effect of Violation if J has FSD & O has Possibility of Reverter O gets legal title at moment of violation. If sufficient time has passed, J may have title through adverse possession. Effect of Violation if FSCS & Rt. of Entry?
J has FSCS & O has Right of Entry Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." Effect of Violation if J has FSCS & O has Right of Entry Assuming O has not acted, O still has RE If O is aware of Julia’s use of alcohol, may be held to have waived the right to enforce regarding these kinds of uses of alcohol.
MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS ADVICE RE PURCHASE? Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." MULTI-STEP ANALYSIS FSD or FSCS? CONDITION VIOLATED? EFFECT OF VIOLATION? (depends on FSD or FSCS) ADVICE RE PURCHASE?
(We’ll Start with on Tues 3/21) Sequoia: (3I): O conveys "to J and her heirs so long as the premises are not used for sale of beer, wine, or liquor, and if beer, wine, or liquor is sold on the premises, O retains a right to re-enter the premises." J opens a restaurant that serves several dishes cooked with wine or flamed with brandy and at Sunday brunch offers a free glass of champagne. The restaurant is successful, and 11 years after its opening D wants to buy it and add a bar. Possible Advice to D? (We’ll Start with on Tues 3/21)