Agenda 2/6/2017 (43 min) Attendance (5 min) Trade n Grade (5 min) SLO Practice/Khan Academy (30 min) Synthesis (3 min)
Housekeeping Theft
Trade n Grade BONUS - +1 for quote/+4 for vocab – Square Root, Arc, Congruent, Chord
Khan Academy Levels – 20 pts (February) Cross sections of 3D objects (basic) Trigonometric ratios in right triangles Quadrilateral angles Radians & degrees Arc measure with equations
Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.
Agenda 2/7/2017 Attendance (5 min) Center and Spread (35 min) Synthesis (3 min)
MAD video
Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.
Agenda 2/8/2017 Attendance (5 min) Scatter Plots (35 min) Synthesis (3 min)
Directions for activity Take your resting heart rate at 15sec___,30sec___,45sec___, and 60sec___. Jog in place for 2 minutes Take heart rate at 15sec___,30sec___,45sec___, and 60sec___. Walk around the building
A few things to think about… What specific patterns do you notice about your graph? Can you predict what your heart rate would be at any given time? How does your heart rate compare with others after exercising?
Warm Up/HW Check
Notes – Scatter Plots
Real world application
Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.
Agenda 2/9/2017 (43 min) Attendance (5 min) Using Statistical Models (35 min) Synthesis (3 min)
Math Counts Thursdays after school in room 115 – Mr. Braddock’s room
Warm Up/HW Check
Vocabulary Complete a Frayer Model in your notes for the words: Capacity Deviation Symmetric Consistent
Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.
Agenda 2/10/2017 (43 min) Attendance (3 min) Quiz (40 min)