Components of Fitness
Each is a vital aspect of personal fitness Components of Fitness Cardiovascular Endurance Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Flexibility Body Composition Each is a vital aspect of personal fitness
1. Cardiovascular Endurance How well do your heart and lungs work?
1. Cardiovascular Endurance How well do your heart and lungs work? Cardiovascular System Pumps blood and carries oxygen throughout your body Comprised of: The heart The lungs Blood vessels
1. Cardiovascular Endurance How well do your heart and lungs work? Blood vessels carry blood Arteries from the heart Veins to the heart The heart has four chambers 2 Atrium 2 Ventricles Valves prevent backflow
Human heart being prepared for transplant
1. Cardiovascular Endurance How well do your heart and lungs work? Lungs oxygenate the blood They are elastic bags that are pumped by the diaphragm
1. Cardiovascular Endurance How well do your heart and lungs work? Cardiovascular Endurance can be improved by: Exercises that get you out of breath Aerobics, running, swimming, jump roping, soccer, basketball, jogging, walking, hiking VS. Anaerobic- weight lifting, football,
1. Cardiovascular Endurance How well do your heart and lungs work? Cardiovascular Endurance can be hurt by: Inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking Diseases like: Emphysema, cancer, asthma, heart disease
1. Cardiovascular Endurance How well do your heart and lungs work? Smoking destroys lungs!
2. Muscular Endurance How long can your muscles work?
2. Muscular Endurance How long can your muscles work?
2. Muscular Endurance How long can your muscles work? There are two types of skeletal muscles: Slow twitch (Type 1) Fast twitch (Type 2) People have some of each type, but will have more of one than another
2. Muscular Endurance How long can your muscles work? Muscular Endurance uses Slow Twitch Muscles Slow Twitch Muscles… Can work for a very long time Work aerobically Can use carbohydrates, fat, or protein for energy
2. Muscular Endurance How long can your muscles work? Examples of Muscular Endurance… Running, football practice, hard labor, hiking, pushups
3. Muscular Strength How hard can your muscles work?
3. Muscular Strength How hard can your muscles work? Muscular Strength uses Fast Twitch Muscles Fast Twitch Muscles… Can only work hard for a few seconds Work anaerobically
3. Muscular Strength How hard can your muscles work? Examples of Muscular Strength: Weight lifting High jumping Arm wrestling Serving a volleyball
4. Flexibility Can you use your joints’ full Range of Motion?
4. Flexibility Can you use your joints’ full Range of Motion? Range of Motion “ROM” How far can you move a joint?
4. Flexibility Can you use your joints’ full Range of Motion?
4. Flexibility Can you use your joints’ full Range of Motion?
4. Flexibility Can you use your joints’ full Range of Motion?
4. Flexibility Can you use your joints’ full Range of Motion?
5. Body Composition Do you have a healthy percentage of body fat?
5. Body Composition Do you have a healthy percentage of body fat? Body Composition is measured as… BMI: Body mass index assesses your body weight relative to height. It's a useful, indirect measure of body composition because it correlates highly with body fat in most people. *Why can it be inaccurate sometimes? Body Percent Fat
5. Body Composition Do you have a healthy percentage of body fat? Air displacement body composition test
FITT Principle 28
FITT Principle F Frequency How often you work out I Intensity Heart rate T Time Duration of exercise T Type Aerobic/anaerobic 29
Attaining Lifetime Fitness Exercising and doing physical activity Getting fit Self-assessment Setting fitness goals Lifetime physical activity Lifetime fitness 30