Social Studies Coalition Professional Development Cohorts 2016-2017 May 20, 2016
Goal Establish and maintain a teacher training program that focuses on building capacity at the building level and provides professional development in improving content knowledge, instructional practices, and assessment literacy.
Expected Outcomes Participants will increase their own content knowledge in a social studies discipline Participants will increase the use of literacy strategies to build content knowledge in students Participants will contribute to the continued development of the Delaware Recommended Curriculum
Cohort Participants Memorandum of Agreement attend the five (5) face-to-face training sessions scheduled for the Cohort arrive at each session on time and remain until the end of the session participate in Schoology group discussions and post student work complete post-meeting electronic surveys within one week of receipt contribute to the development of two social studies item clusters that includes multiple assessment items aligned to the standards. Item clusters are to be completed by April 15, 2017.
Changes to design for 2016-17 MOA for facilitators District/charter recruitment in May-June 2016 Summer kick-off meetings to set expectations and begin training Participants will field test 2016 lessons No meals or paid speakers (except facilitators) No evening sessions
2016-2017 PD Design Existing group invited back for year 2 – new members also Deepens learning in the content area; continues to build capacity Increased instructional focus in training Pilot instructional and assessment resources Develop assessments in social studies and CCSS Paid for products – will also have an MOA Assessment resources used locally so that PLCs can target specific student learning and can respond to student strengths and weaknesses
Cohort Participants Calendar Two (2) day summer session – all content areas Aug 10, DSTA Smyrna, DE Aug 11, CRHS Camden, DE Three (3) schoolday meetings CIVICS ECONOMICS GEOGRAPHY HISTORY Oct 10 – Collette Nov 28 – Collette Feb 13 – Collette Oct 17 – Collette Dec 12 – Collette Feb 27 – Collette Feb 21 – Collette
Assessment expectations Develop two item clusters that can be used locally to create formative and benchmark assessments. Collect student work for review and posting with items.