Module 6: Creating Web Pages and Working with Channels Teach Yourself Windows 98 Module 6: Creating Web Pages and Working with Channels
Objectives of this Module for Chapter 13 Introduction to Creating Web Pages Starting FrontPage Express Saving a Web Page Formatting Text Inserting an Image Adding a Background Image Creating a Link Publishing Web Pages
Introduction to Creating Web Pages Windows 98 comes with a program you can use to help you create your own Web pages. FrontPage Express can help you create professional looking Web pages. You can create personal Web pages that include information about your favorite hobby, your family or even a club. Or you can create commercial Web pages that sell a product, offer news about a company and its services.
Starting FrontPage Express Open FrontPage Express to start creating your own Web pages. To start FrontPage Express: Click Start, Programs, Internet Explorer, FrontPage Express. To begin creating a Web page, start typing in your text.
Save your Web page and give it a title. Saving a Web Page Save your Web page and give it a title. To save a page: Click the Save button on the toolbar. Enter a Web page title. Click the As File button. Enter a file name and click Save.
Formatting Text You can format your text in FrontPage Express just like you format text in other Windows programs. Select the text. Use the Change Font drop-down arrow to choose another font. Use the Increase Text Size or Decrease Text Size buttons to change the font size. Use the style buttons to make text Bold, Italic, or Underline. Use the Text Color tool to change the color of the text.
Formatting Text (continued) Use the alignments buttons to change text alignment. Use the indent buttons to increase or decrease the text indent. Use the Bullets and Numbering buttons to create bulleted or numbered lists.
Inserting an Image Add images to your Web page to make it more attractive and to add visual interest.
Inserting an Image To add an image: Click on the page where you want the image to go. Click the Insert Image button. Click the From File option and click Browse. Select the image file you want to use and click Open.
Adding a Background Image Background images can really spruce up a Web page, especially if they don’t contrast too much with the text.
Adding a Background Image To add a background image: Open the Format menu and choose Background. Click the Background Image check box, then click Browse. Click the From File option and click Browse. Select the background file you want to use and click Open.
Add links to your page that connect to other Web pages. Creating a Link Add links to your page that connect to other Web pages. Link
Creating a Link To add a link: Select the text you want to turn into a link. Click the Insert Hyperlink button. Enter the Web page address of the page you’re linking to. Click OK to create the link.
Publishing Web Pages When you finish creating your Web page, you can transfer it to a Web server. Once copied to a server, other users can view the page. Click Start, Programs, Internet Explorer, Web Publishing Wizard. Click Next to get started. Follow the Wizard prompts as directed.
Objectives of this Module for Chapter 14 Adding a Channel Adding an Active Desktop Item Working with Active Desktop Items
Adding a Channel A channel is a Web site that automatically delivers information from the Internet onto your Windows 98 desktop. Channel Bar To view a channel, click on the channel on the Channel Bar.
You can add your favorite channels to the Channel Bar. Adding a Channel You can add your favorite channels to the Channel Bar. Click the View Channels icon on the Taskbar. From the Channels pane, click a category, then click a channel of interest. To add the channel to your Channel Bar, click the Add Active Channel link. Follow the prompts, if any, as directed.
Adding an Active Desktop Item Add active content from the Web to your Windows 98 desktop, such as a stock ticker. Right-click on an empty area on the desktop and choose Properties. Click the Web tab. Click the View my Active Desktop as a Web page check box. Click the New button. A dialog box appears asking if you want to visit the gallery. Click Yes.
Adding an Active Desktop Item (continued) The Internet Explorer window opens and the gallery appears (you must be logged onto your Internet account). Find the active content you want to add. Be sure to check out all the items. Click the Add to Active Desktop link. Click Yes. Click OK. The necessary info is copied to your computer.
Working with Active Desktop Items You can remove an active desktop item temporarily, or move it around the Windows 98 desktop. Stock Ticker active desktop item
Working with Active Desktop Items To move an active desktop item, move the mouse pointer over the top edge of the item to display a title bar. Drag the title bar to move the item to a new location. To remove an item, right-click on an empty area of the desktop and choose Properties. Click the Web tab, then deselect the active desktop item check box of the item you no longer want to display.
This concludes Instruction Module 6 Teach Yourself Windows 98 This concludes Instruction Module 6