I John Lesson 7
I John 5 Vs. 1-5 Those who believe Jesus is the Christ are born of God Love is a fact of being born of Him; believing Loving the Father and those born of Him is also a fact of being a believer Love is evidence of salvation How do we know we love? We keep God’s commands BECAUSE we love Him. Obedience is evidence of salvation
I John 5 Vs. 4-5 Believers are overcomers They overcome the world by faith Faith in Jesus Christ: that He IS the Son of God ALL believers ARE overcomers (why don’t we believe and live like that?) Overcomers: nikao – to conquer, to be consistently victorious over. In I John it is ALWAYS used in relation to the world, not like in Revelation Ant. To be defeated
Cross References I John 2:13-14 Young men in the faith have overcome the evil one. Believers overcome not only the world but the devil I John 4:4 Believers overcome false prophets and antichrists Believers have the Spirit of Truth inside so they overcome false teaching/error John 16:33 “I have overcome the world”
Cross References Romans 12:21 Believers overcome evil with good, because of the Spirit inside Romans 8:37-39 Believers overwhelmingly conquer and nothing separates us from God’s love
I John 5 Witnesses that testify to who Jesus is The Spirit, the water and the blood: ALL from God Testify: martureo – to bear witness, to affirm that one has seen, heard or experienced something. Vs. 6 The Spirit of truth testifies that Jesus is who John wrote the He is: man, but also God What is the testimony that God gave? Vs. 11 God HAS given us eternal life – in His Son
Prayer John wrote, to those who believe, that they can KNOW they have eternal life vs. 13 Confidence that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us vs. 14 Those who know, can have confidence to ask Him and know that He hears them vs. 15 “Sin not leading to death”: believer shall ask Ask what? For that brother to have life vs. 16 “Sin leading to death”: do NOT ask (life) for this vs. 16
I John 5:17-19 There IS a sin, not leading to death, BUT all sin is unrighteousness vs. 17 God keeps those born of Him and the evil one does not touch them vs. 18 Keeps: Tereo – guard, watch over, keep an eye on, preserve, spiritually guard Touch: Hapto – to lay hold of. To handle an object so as to exert a modifying influence on it. Satan “touches” the world because the whole world lies in the power of the evil one vs. 19
Prayer Conditions Ask according to His will I John 5:14 How can we know His will? Believers have God’s Spirit within and He guides Believers have a responsibility: To abide Believers are to KNOW God’s Word, which contains His will and is Truth I John 2:21 Believers must keep His commands and do things pleasing to God I John 3:21-22
Prayer A life of obedience and knowing God’s will, by knowing His Word, are part of asking and receiving from Him John 14:14; 16:24 Ask in His name, which defines who He is and what He would ask John 15:7 His words must abide in me and I in Him Matt. 21 and Heb. 11 You must believe He is able to do what He has promised and that He is. Do not doubt
Prayer I Peter 3:7 A husband’s prayers can be hindered if he does not live with her in an understanding way I Peter 3:12 God answers the prayers of the righteous God’s face is against the unrighteous James 4:2-3 Do not ask with wrong motives John 9, Prov. 28, Is. 59 and Ps. 66 describe unbelievers, whose prayers are not heard
Cross References Acts 5:1-11 Ananias and Sapphira were not called “brothers”. Lied to the Holy Spirit I Cor. 5:1-13 Immoral, wicked, so-called brother I Tim. 1:19-20 Hymenaeus and Alexander rejected the faith. Blasphemers I Cor. 11:20-34 Warning to the believer taking the Lord’s Supper unworthily. Some were weak, sick and some had died due to the Lord’s discipline. Heb. 10:26-31 Judgment of possible death
I John 5:20-21 The Son gives understanding to believers to know Him: THAT is eternal life vs. 20 Guard yourselves from idols vs. 21 Guard: phulasso – a military guard, emphasizes the needed vigilance to keep what is entrusted. “Personally guard against” 2 Tim. 1:12 …for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.
Application We know that a believer cannot sin as a habit of life We can know that we have eternal life We must abide in His words and keep His commands: this is loving God We have overcome the evil one: walk like it I John teaches us how to love, abide, keep and KNOW our God. Never forget our Advocate: Jesus Christ the Righteous