Newmark: Semantic and Communicative Translation


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Presentation transcript:

Newmark: Semantic and Communicative Translation Koller: Equivalence Relations Later Developments in Equivalence

“Translators generally need to consider two factors at the same time, a) to make the translated text and its style comply with the writer’s ideas and b) to translate the source text into the reader’s understandable culture and language”. (Tsai, n.d)

Is the equivalent effect attainable? It is illusory There will still be: conflict of loyalties. Are we more loyal to the ST or TT?

أم هل عرفت الدار بعد توهم حتى تكلم كالأصم الأعجم أشكو إلى سفع رواكد جثم و عمي صباحاً دار عبلة و اسلمي طوع العناق لذيذة المتبسم فدنٌ لأقضي حاجة المتلوم هل غادر الشعراء من متردم أعياك رسم الدار لم يتكلم ولقد حبست بهاطويلاَ ناقتي يا دار عبلة بالجواء تكلمي دار لآنسة غضيض طرفها فوقفت فيها ناقتي و كأنها

Bring in new terms: Semantic and Communicative Translation Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.   Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original.

“A translation can be more or less semantic or more or less communicative”.

What are the features of semantic and communicative translation? Semantic Translation: 1- Attempts to preserve the author’s ideolect, his peculiar form of expression in preference to the “spirit” of the source or target text. 2- Semantic translation is a kind of art (Liu, 2004). 3- Tries to maintain the original work of the author.

Spiritual features include: 1- Register 2- Phonetics 3- Contextual meaning “By applying the semantic translation method, each word in the source text needs to be translated faithfully. At the same time, the grammatical structure of the source language needs to be adjusted towards the target language”.

Translation loss “Fair is foul and foul is fair” الجمال قذارة والقذارة جمال

Communicative Translation: The target text is more readable Communicative Translation: The target text is more readable. However, What is undertranslation? What is over-translation? Newmark (1988) said, “communicative translation is social, concentrates on the message and the main force of the text, and tends to be understranlated”.

Gan (2015), “under-translation has over estimated the meaning of the information provided in the translated text, thus … resulting in readers misunderstanding the text”.

أَلَمٌ أَلَمَّ أَلَمْ أُلِمَّ بِدَائِهِ .. إِنْ آنَ آنٌ آنَ آنُ أَوَانِهِ

Koller Equivalence Relations Correspondence Equivalence Langue Parole False friends

Competence in foreign language is indicated by “correspondences” Competence in translation is indicated by “equivalences”. why?

Double Linkage Denotative Connotative Text-normative Pragmatic Formal Five types of equivalences: Double Linkage

Denotative/ Referential This is my book: This هذا Is (dropped) My لي Book كتاب (SL and TL lexemes refer to the same thing) She is an open book: هي كتابٌ مفتوح

Connotative SL and TL words triggering the same or similar associations in mind آه يا بيروت، يا أنثاي من بين ملايين النساء Ah Beirut….my lady amongst millions of women (why the translator did not use the word “female”, for example.

Text Normative I love Ms. X so much. أنا أحب الأستاذة س كثيرًا جدا أحب الأستاذة س كثيرًا أحترم الأستاذة س كثيرً

Pragmatic Receiver-oriented. اعتدى ثلاثة إرهابيين فلسطينيين على مواطنين إسرائيليين في مدينة القدس. To a Palestinian audience: Three Palestinian freedom fighters attacked two settlers in Jerusalem. To an Israeli audience: Three Palestinian terrorists attacked two Israeli citizens in Jerusalem

Formal He howled his pain away هزمَ بزئيره الهمومَ ومضى

The translator is a decision maker The translator is a decision maker. Choose the right type according to the situation. Which do you think further enriched TS: Newmark’s new concepts or Keller’s?

“Equivalence is influenced by a variety of linguistic and cultural factors and is therefore always relative” (Baker, 2011).

What is the problem with equivalence? قطة Cat

Bassnett (2013) Once the translator moves away from close linguistic equivalence, the problems of determining the exact nature of the level of equivalence aimed for begin to emerge.

Natural Equivalence: utterances naturally occurring in the source and target languages. Directional Equivalence: ST meaning should be rendered in an equivalent target text.

A piece of cake … In a cooking context: Is it a real piece of cake A piece of cake … In a cooking context: Is it a real piece of cake? Is it metaphorical? يحتاجُ ترويضُ الأحصنةِ جهدًا كبيرًا A very strong bit is needed to control a difficult horse. علينا اتخاذ قراراتٍ صعبة في الأوقات الصعبة Desperate times require desperate measures.

Are the issues solved? Or have we developed greater issues? We used to have a debate over “word-for-word and free translation” instead of solving the problem, we now have more debates over other similar concepts. Is a definite answer possible? Translators are decision makers.

Where there is a text, there is a whole list of questions Where there is a text, there is a whole list of questions. A whole list of possibilities. The more trained a translator is, the faster and better he will be at making the right decisions, relatively right – at least.

Sources Structural Equivalence in Arabic-English Translation – University of Basra What are the Main Differential Features of Semantic and Communicative Translation? Cheng Shiu University