Question 1: INSTRUCTIONS Each person will answer the questions. If you get it right, you get the points. If you get it wrong, you get a strike. Ten points for each right answer. The goal is to get the most points without getting 3 strikes. You get 3 strikes, you lose all points and you start over with zero points. You can wager points for the last question. STRIKES
Question 1: Name the term for this definition. That which agrees with what is real, describes what is real and explains what is real. STRIKES Answer: Truth
Question 2: Name the term for this definition. God’s communication of truth that never could have been known except for Him revealing it to us. STRIKES Answer: Revelation
Question 3: Name the term that describes this definition. The power of God that enabled men to write the words of Scripture without errors. STRIKES Answer: Inspiration
Question 4: Name the term that describes this definition. The work of God by His Holy Spirit that enables people to receive and understand God's Word. STRIKES Answer: Illumination
Answer: Using our senses Reasoning (thinking) Question 5: Name one of the two ways that we can know the truth, but also understand that we can be deceived by this way. STRIKES Answer: Using our senses Reasoning (thinking)
You will have 30 seconds to name as many things from the following question. You will receive 30 points for getting all of the answers; zero for not getting all the answers.
answers Question: Name 3 ways that God reveals His truth to us.
answers Answers Creation The Bible Jesus Question:
Answer: Old Testament and New Testament Question 6: Name the 2 sections that the Bible is divided into. (You must name both to get the points.) STRIKES Answer: Old Testament and New Testament
Question 7: How many books are in the Old Testament? STRIKES Answer: 39
Question 8: How many books are in the entire Bible? STRIKES Answer: 66
You will have 30 seconds to name as many things from the following question. You will receive 30 points for getting all of the answers; zero for not getting all the answers.
answers Question: There are 3 languages that the Bible was originally written in. Name them.
answers Answers Greek Hebrew Aramaic Question:
Question 9: True or False? Jesus a good teacher, but did not represent the complete truth in God. STRIKES Answer: False
Question 10: In what way did Jesus bring mankind back to God that was lost when sin entered into the world? STRIKES Answer: Jesus died on the cross for sins, was buried, and arose from the dead to redeem mankind.
Answer: The Holy Spirit Question 11: What part of the Holy Trinity of God makes the Bible come alive for us by teaching us and helping us to understand it. STRIKES Answer: The Holy Spirit
Question 12: Name the term that this defines. To set a person apart for the use intended by God for holy living. STRIKES Answer: sanctification
A – Admit you are a sinner B – Believe in the work of Jesus Christ Question 13: To know God personally through Jesus Christ is sometimes portrayed as A – Admit you are a sinner B – Believe in the work of Jesus Christ C – what? STRIKES Answer: Commit your life to Jesus