Contraceptives and Birth Control Human Sexuality Contraceptives and Birth Control
What is the difference between contraceptives and birth control?
Contraceptive: Any method used to prevent the union of the SPERM and the EGG Birth Control: Same as contraception, but includes abortion
Terms Method Lab/User STD’s Description
Abstinence Lab/User: 100% STD Protection: yes No contact between the penis and the vagina
Rhythm User: 88%-75% STD Protection: No Sex before or after ovulation
Withdrawal User:73% STD Protection: No The man withdraws the penis before ejaculation
Condom Lab/User: 98/85 STD Protection: Yes Latex sheath placed over the penis
Condom with Spermicide STD Protection: Yes Same as regular male condom, with spermicidal gel Nonoxynol-9
Female Condom Lab/User: 95/79 STD Protection: Yes Larger than male condom and inserted in the female
Diaphragm with Spermicide Lab/User: 94/84 STD Protection: No Shallow latex cup inserted into the vagina- Blocks sperm from entering uterus
Sponge Lab/ User: 91/ 84 STD Protection: No Covers the cervix and blocks sperm from entering the uterus. The sponge continuously releases spermicide that keeps sperm from moving.
Combination Pill Lab/User: 99/92 STD Protection: No Take pill each day, Prevents ovulation Need Rx
Progestin Only Pill Lab/User: 99/92 STD Protection: No Take pill each day, prevents sperm form entering uterus Rx
Depo-Provera Lab/User: 99/97 STD Protection: No Works like pills, 4 shots a year Rx
The Patch (ortho evra) Lab/User: 99/92 STD Protection: No Works like pills, 1 patch is placed on the female 3 times a month
Implanon or Norplant Lab/ User: 100/<99 STD Protection: No Flexible implant the size of a match Surgically inserted into arm Lasts for 3 years
Nuva Ring Lab/User: 99/92 STD Protection: No Small flexible ring inserted into the vagina once a month
Emergency Contraception Plan B Can be used up to 5 days after intercourse Reduces the risk of pregnancy by 89% if used within 3 days (72 hours) STD Protection: No Must be 18 or older
IUD Lab/User: Both <99 STD Protection: No Small “T” shaped device inserted in the uterus.
Male Sterilization- Vasectomy Lab: 99.9 STD Protection: No Surgery to prevent the release of sperm
Female Sterilization- Tubal Ligation Lab: 99.7 STD Protection: No Surgery to prevent the egg from meeting the sperm