11/27-11/30 Our plan and play this week was: Dance Studio, Library, Kitchen, Sculptor Studio and Art Studio (Easel Painting). Next week we will start a Unit called Winter Wonders What we did this week: We had such a fun week! We became artists! We danced, we sang, we created sculptures from play dough, we painted and played musical instruments! We made shape art and played math games that helped us to subatize. We have also been practicing our letters and working very hard on writing our names By ourselves! Important Dates Wednesday 12/6: NO SCHOOL for PRESCHOOL ONLY! Thursday 12/7: Wear GREEN for Grinch Day! 12/25-1/5 : No School Holiday Break! * Please remember to sign your child’s homework page daily! That is how the State of AZ knows we are teaching the curriculum which pays for this preschool grant. *Please sign up for Remind.com ASAP -if you need the code again please ask Please your child’s folders daily * Please send in WATER BOTTLES DAILY! Lunch Mon: Pizza Tues: Crunchy Chicken Tacos Wed: NO SCHOOL/Preschool ONLY! Thurs: Teriyaki Beef Dippers