Between The Wars
Great Depression Germany has to pay for the war. They print more money. Leads to hyperinflation. Bread: 1918 < 1 mark 1922 160 Marks 1923 200 billion marks People use wheel barrows to shop. Their life savings are useless.
U.S. lends $200 million to stabilize German economy and sets up realistic plan for reparation payments. 1. by 1929, U.S. factories and farms produce more than is needed. 2. People buying stocks on margin – borrowed money. 3. stocks are overpriced.
Oct 29. 1929 – stock market crashes Oct 29. 1929 – stock market crashes. Businesses fail, banks close, farmers lose their farms, workers lose their jobs. U.S. stops buying from other countries – Global depression
Rise of Fascism Fascism – extreme form of Nationalism, denial of individual rights, and dictatorial one-party rule. Italy – Benito Mussolini rises to power. Campaign of terror – black shirts. Fascists demand King put Mussolini in charge of gov’t, he does.
Mussolini called Il Duce. Germany – rise of National Socialist German Workers party or NAZI. Party Symbol is Swastika. Storm trooper. Hitler becomes leader of party. Tries to seize power, fails and is jailed.
Writes Mein Kampf (my struggle) “Aryans” or master race All others are subhuman (Jews, Slavs, Gypsies) Germany needs “Lebensraum” –living space
In 1932, President appoints Hitler as Chancellor. Sets up SS – protection squad and Gestapo – secret police. Puts workers to work. No strikes allowed. Begins Hitler Youth and League of German Girls.
Kristallnacht – night of broken glass. Nov 9, 1938 – rise of anti-Semitism
Aggression Japan – depression leads to military takeover of government but they keep Emperor Hirohito in power. 1931 – Japan invades Manchuria – 1st challenge to League of Nations. 1937 – Japan invades China.
Italy Wants an empire in Africa. Encouraged by Japan, they invade Ethiopia in Oct 1935. Emperor Haile Selassie goes before League of Nations.
Germany Mar 1935 rebuilds army Mar 1936 enters the Rhineland (buffer zone) Oct 1936 Germany, Italy and Japan become the Axis powers Mar 1938 Annexation of Austria
Hitler demands the Sudetenland – German speaking part of Czechoslovakia. Munich Conference on Sep 29th. France and Britain give in. British Prime Minister Chamberlain “I believe it is peace in our time.”
Six months later, Hitler takes all of Czech., then Italy takes Albania. Aug 1939 – Russia and Germany sign a non-aggression pact.
USSR Stalin does away with Lenin’s NEP and has a command economy – government makes all economic decisions. Begins 5-yr plans – sets quotas Seizes farm land and set up collective farms Great Purge – campaign of terror to eliminate threats. 8-13 million die.
Extreme propaganda and indoctrination. Control of schools and factories. Censorship and religious persecution.
China 1912 Nationalist party overthrows emperor but they can’t hold power. By 1920’s Nationalist party under Chiang Kai-shek (or Jiang Jieshi) are battling the Communists under Mao Zedong. 1930’s Civil War. Stopped because of Japanese invasion.