Dengue Prevention in Asia
Part 1: Overview of Dengue
What Is Dengue?
WHO Dengue Case Classification
Prevalence and Disease Burden of Dengue
Dengue Serotypes
Global Distribution of Dengue, 2012
Global Dengue Transmission Map - Thailand
Social Impact of Dengue
Asymptomatic Individuals and Transmission
Getting Dengue More Than Once
Why Does Severe Dengue Occur?
Prevention of Dengue Infection
Dengue CYD-TDV
Efficacy of CYD-TDV
Efficacy of CYD-TDV (cont)
Part 2: Dengue Q&A
Question: Why is the dengue vaccine not recommended in children aged < 9 years?
Vaccination Age Recommendations
Question: What did the WHO recommend in July 2016 for countries considering introducing the CYD-TDV?
WHO Recommendation, July 2016
Question: What did the additional analysis provided to WHO conclude?
Results of Additional Analysis of Dengue Vaccine Data
Question: Why is there a higher risk of severe dengue in seronegative people who receive the vaccine?
Higher Severe Dengue Risk in Seronegative People Who Receive the Vaccine
Higher Severe Dengue Risk in Seronegative People Who Receive the Vaccine (cont)
Question: What happens to people who have breakthrough dengue after being vaccinated?
Breakthrough Dengue After Vaccination
Question: Has the WHO updated it position as a result of this analysis?
Updated WHO Position, December 2017
Question: Why did the vaccine manufacturer request a label update in November 2017?
Vaccine Label Update Request
Question: Why have some countries recently begun re-examining their use of dengue vaccine?
Re-Examination of Vaccine Use in Asia
Question: Are people previously infected with dengue likely to know that they had the disease?
Awareness of Previous Dengue Infection
Question: How can a physician determine whether or not a patient should receive the vaccine?
Deciding Whether to Vaccinate
Questions from patients and parents
Considerations When Vaccinating Children
Other Considerations
Vaccine Side Effects