Office of Self Governance Update – March 2018
Eugenia Tyner-Dawson – Special Advisor to the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs Ms. Tyner-Dawson joins the Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs from the Department of Justice, where she served as Executive Director of the Justice Programs Council on Native American Affairs.
Darryl LaCounte – (Acting) BIA Deputy Bureau Director for Trust Services Mr. LaCounte is the Rocky Mountain Regional Office Director, who is on detail to BIA Trust Services to assist BIA Director Rice.
Johnna Blackhair – (Acting) BIA Associate Deputy Bureau Director for Trust Services Ms. Blackhair was the (Acting) BIA Eastern Deputy Regional Director, until recently accepting (Acting) BIA Associate Deputy Bureau Director for Trust Services.
Update to Web Address Name for the Self-Governance Database (SGDB) The Self Governance Database (SGDB) website address has been updated. The new SGDB address is: Please update your bookmarks from the previous SGDB web address ( Your log-in credentials will remain the same. Should you have any questions regarding this update, please contact Lance Fisher, Financial Specialist, Office of Self Governance, at
Office of Self Governance – Finance To date, OSG has received and obligated approximately $197,617,746 in FY 2018 funding for distribution.
OSG Finance - FY 2018 Program Description Amount Child Care Development Fund Discretionary 13,996,767 Community Services Block Grant 169,724 Mandatory 9,710,176 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Native Employment Works 8,331,020 Operation of Indian Programs 2-year 110,248,766 Contract Support Costs 47,135,060
OSG Finance - FY 2018 Program Description Amount Department of the Interior Wildland Fire 1,776,950 Operation of Indian Programs & Construction Annual 449,922 Department of Transportation Construction and Planning 5,799,361
Contract Support Cost (CSC) 2018 Distributions CSC Total, to date: $ 29,831,357
Contract Support Cost (CSC) 2017 Update FY 2017 total: $101,482,547 FY 2017 Overpayments as of September 30, 2017: $186,418 (0.2%)(7 Tribes)
Contract Support Cost (CSC) 2017 Data Call was due August 1, 2017 In a Dear Tribal Leader Letter dated April 14, 2017, all Self-Governance Tribes were requested to submit information necessary to calculate the Tribe’s CSC need no later than August 1, 2017. 64 of 116 or 55% of Tribes responded to the letter and received payment during September. We reached out to the 52 Tribes, and received response from an additional 24 Tribes. A total of 88 of 116 (76%) of Tribes responded to the letter.
BIA Consumption by Region aaa
Tiwahe Update Self-Governance Tribes eligible for Tiwahe ICWA and Social Services funding have been completed and paid for prior years. Office of the Inspector General review of Self-Governance Tiwahe funding is still ongoing. Reconciliation with the Office of Indian Services is addressing overpayments, most of which are $1 rounding errors.
Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Consolidation Act – 477 Program The Act, Signed December 18, 2017, identified eight additional Federal agencies as being subject to the amended law (existing four: Interior, HHS, Labor, and Education). NEW: Department of Justice NEW: Department of Agriculture NEW: Department of Commerce NEW: Department of Energy NEW: Department of Homeland Security NEW: Department of Housing & Urban Development NEW: Department of Transportation NEW: Veterans Affairs
Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Consolidation Act – 477 Program The Act requires the Secretary of the Interior to secure Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with all twelve identified departments. The Office of Indian Services has been designated the lead agency to secure the MOA. The deadline for completion of the MOA is December 18, 2018.
National Indian and Native American Employment Training P.L. 102-477 (477 Program) Training April 8-13, 2018 Paragon Casino Resort Marksville, Louisiana For more details, visit:
Education Contracts under the Johnson O’Malley Act A proposed rule under the Johnson O’Malley Act (JOM) has been announced that would update the regulations. Comments are due by May 21, 2018. (listed under “Bureau of Indian Affairs”) Email to (include “1076-AF24” in subject) Mail to Elizabeth Appel, Office of Regulatory Affairs & Collaborative Action, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, MIB-4660, Washington, DC 20240
Mr. Tahsuda (Acting AS-IA) Approves Ten Tribal Land Leasing Codes Pursuant to the HEARTH Act, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Tahsuda announced his approval of land leasing codes for 10 tribes, in seven states. This action brings the number of Federally recognized tribes whose land leasing regulations have been approved by DOI to 39. Of the 10 newly approved, 4 are in the Self-Governance Program, bringing the Self-Governance total to 17.
Self-Governance Tribes with Approved Land Leasing Codes Federated Tribes of Graton Rancheria Ak-Chin Indian Community Citizen Potawatomi Nation Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians Kaw Nation Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut Absentee Shawnee Tribe Makah Indian Tribe Squaxin Island Tribe Gila River Indian Community Ohkay Owingeh Osage Nation Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Coquille Indian Tribe
Updated deadline for written comments on the Fee-to-Trust Regulations Since the scheduled January Consultation session was cancelled, and rescheduled for March 15, 2018, due to a Nor’easter, the deadline for receipt of written input to is extended to midnight Eastern Time June 30, 2018. The March Consultation session is rescheduled for April 12, 2018, at the Foxwood Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut, due to another Nor’easter and a Senate Hearing on April 11.
Land Buy-Back Program Upcoming Implementation Schedule Blackfeet Bois Forte (Nett Lake) Cheyenne River Crow Fond du Lac Fort Belknap Fort Berthold Fort Peck Navajo Northern Cheyenne Pine Ridge Rosebud Santee Sioux (Nebraska) Standing Rock Umatilla Warm Springs* Wind River * Offers due April 24, 2018
Fiscal Year 2018 Buy-Back Program Presentations October: NCAI 74th Annual Convention December: Coalition of Large Tribes Quarterly Meeting January: ATNI 2018 Winter Convention March: Tribal/Interior Budget Council April: 8th Tribal Land Staff National Conference April: Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Association September: Indian Land Working Group
Construction Facilities Improvement & Repair Funding Allocation Methodology National Policy Memorandum No.: NPM-OFPSM-1 Establishes funding allocation procedures for construction facilities improvement and repair programs for Education construction, Public Safety and Justice construction, and Other construction across Indian Affairs. Please see the National Policy Memorandum Handout.
GSA Vehicle Mileage Reporting and Purchasing Regulations Extended National Policy Memorandums No.: NPM-PROP-2-A1 and NPM-PROP-3-A1 NPM-PROP-2-A1 : Extends the reporting requirements of fleet utilization for GSA-leased vehicles for one additional year. NPM-PROP-3-A1 : Extends the policy estalishing procedures for purchasing vehicles through the GSA AutoChoice sytem for one additional year. Please see the National Policy Memorandum Handouts.
Tribal Transportation Program Compliance Deadline Extension The Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal Transportation Program, regulations published on November 7, 2016, established a deadline for BIA and Tribes to comply with requirements for collecting and updating data for the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory (NTTFI). See 81 FR 78456 (November 7, 2016). 25 CFR §170.443 required Tribes to collect and update data by November 7, 2017, for proposed roads to be added to, or remain in, the NTTFI. The interim final rule published on February 28, 2018, changes the compliance date for submission of the data to November 7, 2019.
Native American Children’s Safety Act (NASCA) Self-Governance Funding Agreements already have provisions that relate to the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act (P.L. 101-630) and it will suffice to just add the words "as amended" to the Self-Governance Funding Agreement provision to cover NACSA (P.L. 101-630, as amended).
FY 2018 National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP) The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announces the continuation of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System Act (NICS) National Record Improvement Program (NARIP) in FY 2018. Federally recognized Indian tribal governments are eligible applicants. Applicant Deadline: 11:59 pm Eastern time on May 14, 2018. For assistance with any requirements of this solicitation, contact Devin B. Adams, Chief, Criminal Justice Data Improvement Program: 202-307-0765, or by email at Include “NARIP18” in the subject line.
FY 2018 National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announces the continuation of the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) in FY 2018. Federally recognized Indian tribal governments are eligible applicants. Applicant Deadline: 11:59 pm Eastern time on May 14, 2018. For assistance with any requirements of this solicitation, contact Devin B. Adams, Chief, Criminal Justice Data Improvement Program: 202-307-0765, or by email at Include “NCHIP18” in the subject line.
The End