HW: Respiratory Framed Story Handout. Sherlock #17-20 due Friday HW: Respiratory Framed Story Handout. Sherlock #17-20 due Friday. Respiration Quiz next Tuesday! Do Now: 1/4/17 Take out your homework to be checked. Complete the True and False handout on the Lungs
True and False : The Lungs - Answers ___ We inhale because the air pressure inside the chest cavity is less than outside the body. ___ The lungs are composed of hundreds of tiny air sacs, called alveoli. ___ Air enters the nose or mouth and passes into the trachea. ___ The diaphragm moves upward during inhalation. ___ The muscles attached to the ribs make the chest cavity enlarge when we inhale. ___ Oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream in the trachea. ___ The bronchial tubes branch off from the trachea like an upside-down letter Y ___ We exhale to remove excess oxygen from the lungs ___ The rib cage moves in and down when we exhale. ___ We exhale because the air pressure inside the chest cavity is greater than outside the body. T T T F T F T F T T
Respiration Homework Answers
Respiration Guided Notes
Structures and Functions Read and highlight as we go over the structures and functions together. **ADD TO YOUR NOTES SHEET** Alveoli- grape like structures that are surrounded by capillaries and needed for gas exchange *Site of Diffusion/Gas Exchange -As you inhale, the diaphragm moves down and contracts. -As you exhale, the diaphragm moves up and relaxes
Brain Pop!
Begin your HW! If you have extra time, you may QUIETLY begin filling in your Respiratory System Story Homework handout!