CORNER ROUNDING END MILLS (Cabinet 4) Purpose: Round edges for aesthetics Increase clearance between parts Available Sizes: Rounding mill bit size given as radius 1/16 in 3/32 in 1/8 in 5/32 in 3/16 in 1/4 in 5/16 in 3/8 in 7/16 in 3. Setting Zero in Z 1. Location 2. Corner Rounding End Mill How To Use 1. Select desired size, use the average diameter to find mill speed. 2. Bring Z so the top of the radius is just above the part. Set zero. 3. Bring X or Y so the edge of the radius is next to the part. Set zero. 4. Use climb cut for the finishing pass, and oil liberally. 5. Back mill position off .01 in Z and .01 in X or Y and make cut. 6. Set mill position to 0 in Z and 0 in X or Y and make final cut. 4. Setting Zero in X Tips for ease of use When setting zeros, check zero setting at many points along the edge of the piece. Use the point of the piece that sticks out the furthest as the zero setting. This insures that the edge will not be under cut. Purchasing Information Most machining tools can be found at MSC Direct, or at McMaster. 5. Example of Rounding Cut