Title: Anat & Phys 4/11/07 Objectives: Class Topics . Heart physiology 11/11/2018 Title: Anat & Phys 4/11/07 Objectives: . Class Topics Heart physiology Heart dissection Notes – blood vessels “The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.” George Will Sunday, November 11, 2018 3:20 PM
Class Assignments Heart coloring 4/11/07 Heart coloring W.S. 4/13/07 11/11/2018 Class Assignments What By When Heart coloring 4/11/07 Heart coloring W.S. 4/13/07 Heart test 4/13/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
11/11/2018 Heart Physiology Each beat is stimulated by an area in the right atrium near the superior vena cava called the Sinoatrial Node (SA Node). SA Node is innervated by the autonomic nervous system Pacemaker of the heart Stimulates both atria to contract
11/11/2018 Heart Physiology SA Node sends impulse to the AV (atrioventricular) Node. Located in the interatrial septum Holds impulse for a short time (milliseconds) and passes electrical impulse to AV Bundle (Bundles of His) AV Bundles passes impulse to Purkinje fibers which stimulates the ventricles to contract
FromL http://www.personal.dundee.ac.uk/~jrelliot/HTML1/heart.htm 11/11/2018 FromL http://www.personal.dundee.ac.uk/~jrelliot/HTML1/heart.htm
Cardiac Cycle 1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage Atrial Systole 11/11/2018 Cardiac Cycle 1st stage Atrial Systole Atrial contractions 2nd stage Ventricular Systole Ventricular contractions “lub” 3rd stage Diastole Both chambers relax (atria fill with blood) “dub”
11/11/2018 Sound Electric Activity
Heart Sounds “Lub” “Dub” AV valves closing (tricuspid and mitral) 11/11/2018 Heart Sounds “Lub” AV valves closing (tricuspid and mitral) “Dub” Semilunar valves closing
Lab Dissect the pig heart look for the following atria ventricles 11/11/2018 Lab Dissect the pig heart look for the following atria ventricles trace the blood flow chordae tendinae papillary muscles valves
Blood vessels Artery Arteriole 11/11/2018 Blood vessels Artery thick walled, can contract, moves blood away from heart Arteriole smaller lumen than arteries, source of vasoconstriction and vasodilation
Blood vessels Capillary Venule Vein - 65% of blood at any time 11/11/2018 Blood vessels Capillary microscopic size, thin walled - for diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and active transport Venule small lumen, gain size closer to heart Vein - 65% of blood at any time thick walled (not as thick as artery), larger lumen than artery, internal valves to avoid pooling
11/11/2018 From: http://www.familydoctor.co.uk/htdocs/varicose/varicose_specimen.html
11/11/2018 Capillary beds Fig 13-14 What purpose do these serve in maintaining homeostasis? From: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~dp5m/phys_304/figures/capillary_bed.jpg
Circulatory Pathways Pulmonary circulation Systemic circulation 11/11/2018 Circulatory Pathways Pulmonary circulation to lungs and back to heart Systemic circulation supplying blood to all systems and organs except lungs All starts with the aorta
11/11/2018 From: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~dp5m/phys_304/figures/19-17a_pulmnrycirc.jpg
11/11/2018 From: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~dp5m/phys_304/figures/19-18_systemcirc.jpg
Branches of the Aorta Ascending aorta Arch of the Aorta 11/11/2018 Branches of the Aorta Ascending aorta Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart blockage can lead to myocardial infarction Arch of the Aorta Brachiocephalic artery left common carotid artery Left subclavian artery
Branches of the Aorta Descending Aorta intercostal arteries 11/11/2018 Branches of the Aorta Descending Aorta intercostal arteries celiac artery superior mesenteric artery suprarenal arteries renal arteries gonadal arteries inferior mesenteric artery common iliac arteries
Celiac Artery Branches into Gastric artery Hepatic artery 11/11/2018 Celiac Artery Branches into Gastric artery Hepatic artery Splenic artery Pancreatic artery
From: http://www.personal.psu.edu/ 11/11/2018 From: http://www.personal.psu.edu/ faculty/s/x/sxd5/Arteries.gif
Common Iliac Arteries Internal iliac artery External iliac artery 11/11/2018 Common Iliac Arteries Internal iliac artery External iliac artery Deep femoral artery Femoral artery Popliteal artery Anterior tibial artery Posterior tibial artery
Brachiocephalic Right common carotid artery Right subclavian artery 11/11/2018 Brachiocephalic Right common carotid artery External carotid artery - scalp, face, jaw internal carotid artery - brain Right subclavian artery Vertebral artery (branch) Axillary artery Brachial artery Radial artery Ulnar artery
Left Common Carotid and Left Subclavian 11/11/2018 Left Common Carotid and Left Subclavian Same branching as right side No brachiocephalic
11/11/2018 Systemic Veins Superior vena cava drains the body superior to the heart Inferior vena cava drains the body inferior to the heart Coronary sinus drains the heart wall (myocardium)
Superior vena cava Right and left brachiocephalic veins 11/11/2018 Superior vena cava Right and left brachiocephalic veins subclavian veins Axillary veins Brachial veins Ulnar veins Radial veins jugular veins interior jugular vein exterior jugular vein
Inferior vena cava Hepatic vein Renal veins Common Iliac veins 11/11/2018 Inferior vena cava Hepatic vein Renal veins Common Iliac veins Gonadal veins (rt enters the CI, but left enters the renal vein) Internal iliac veins
Inferior Vena Cava External iliac veins Femoral veins 11/11/2018 Inferior Vena Cava External iliac veins Femoral veins Great saphenous vein - longest in body Popliteal Posterior tibial vein Anterior tibial vein
11/11/2018 Hepatic Portal System Blood from the small intestines, large intestines, stomach all enter the portal system inferior mesenteric vein and superior mesenteric vein enter the hepatic portal vein to the liver
11/11/2018 Blood movement Trace the blood from the heart to the left arm and back to the heart. Trace the blood from the heart to the right leg and back to the heart. Trace the blood from the heart to the small intestine and back to the heart. Trace the blood from the heart to the left gonad (this of course depends upon your gender) and back to the heart.
ACT Math Test Tips Each question is worth the same 11/11/2018 ACT Math Test Tips Each question is worth the same Skip the hard ones, answer all the easy ones Use your test booklet Scratch paper organize your work to review answers 60 questions, 60 minutes Answer all questions Guesses have 20% chance of being right
Math Tests Work backwards Be familiar with your calculator 11/11/2018 Math Tests Work backwards Eliminate answers and plug in those that might work Be familiar with your calculator Don’t just assume your calculator is always right Think!!! Sample Problems