Shepherd Center Injury Curriculum Purpose: To help students understand the consequences of traumatic brain and spinal cord injury and to inspire them to avoid risks that might lead to such injury. Name: ______________________________ Date: __________ Class: _________
This is your FINAL EXAM GRADE! Packet (50 points) – This packet is complete and neat with all parts answered fully. Case Study Poster (20 points) – Complete and neat with all parts included in the poster. Case Study Presentation (10 points) – Group summarized the important parts of their case study and presented it clearly to the class. Advocacy Script and Presentation (20 points) – You presented a written script to the teacher and performed it for the class.
My Final Grade: ____________ Deductions (-5 points each time) Forgot packet in locker/at home Off-task behavior Horseplay Not completing work in the time period given. Talking at inappropriate times.
Using the workbook/packet This work book is a class set! DO NOT WRITE IN THE BOOK! You will use this packet to write your answers and follow along with the curriculum. Take care of the book (leave it on the table) and your packet (bring it with you everyday).
Day 1 – Starter Read the opening letter and pg. 1 quietly with your partner. Pg. 2: With your shoulder partner, answer the True/False questions. Write your answers below. 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4.
Day 1 - Activity Watch Fox 5 News Story Discuss the following with your partner. Be ready to share with the class. Summarize what happen. Who do you think was responsible for the crash? Could the crash have been prevented? Describe how. Do you think the boys understood the risks in their behavior? If you were in the car, would you speak up to stop your friend from driving dangerously? Most teens do not speak up. Why do you think that is so?
Day 1 – Prevention Ideas With your partner, brainstorm prevention ideas. With your partner, summarize your idea into a Prevention Poster Slogan. (ex. Just say NO!) As a class, pick the 5 best slogans and add them to the class prevention paper. Try to be original.
Day 1 - Closer KWL – With your shoulder partner come up with one statement for the “K” and one question for the “W”. Write it on a post-it note and add to the class chart. K = Something you KNOW about brain and spinal cord injuries W = Something you WANT to know about brain and spinal cord injures – a question.
Day 2/3 – Starter Pg. 4 “A Tragic Accident” – Read the paragraph and write 3 things you need to know about the teen’s condition. Answers:
Day 2/3 – Activity – Know Your Brain and Spinal Cord As a Class: Watch Brain Anatomy Video Watch Spinal Chord Injury Review vocabulary p. 5 With Shoulder Partner: Read p. 6 – 10 (in the book) Complete p. 11 – 15 (attached to this packet)
Day 2/3 – Closer: Magic Square p. 15 B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P
Day 4 – Traumatic Brain Injury Watch: Traumatic Brain Injury Read p. 18 to 20 with your shoulder partner. (in book) Complete pg. 21 and 22 (attached)
Day 5 – Spinal Cord Injury Watch Spinal Chord Injury Read p. 23 – 28 (in book) Complete p. 29 – 30 (attached)
Day 4/5 - Closer With your shoulder partner, write something interesting you have learned about brain and spinal injuries on a post-it note. Put your post-it on the class KWL chart as you leave the room.
Day 6 - Starter Which brain appears injured? Why?
Day 6 - Starter How would you classify these two injuries?
Day 6 - Activity Read your assigned patient’s story and what the doctor’s found with your shoulder partner. Assigned Patient: _______________________ Case Study pg: _______ Discuss your patient’s case with your partner and decide if they have a TBI case or a SCI case. Our patient has: ___________________
Day 6 – Activity Depending on your case study teen’s accident type, pick one of the following and complete task 6. (skip 7 & 8) Traumatic Brain Injury P. 40-41 (get from teacher) Spinal Cord Injury P. 42 – 43 (get from teacher) Complete Traumatic Injury Sequence of Events (back of paper)
Day 7/8 - Starter Find another group who has the same patient as you. Check your answers to task 6 from yesterday. Make sure you all came to the same conclusion. Review any differences and decide as a group on the best answers.
Day 7/8 - Case Study Poster Draw an outline of your patient. Try to make this reflective of the “personality” you imagine your patient having. Include physical details such as hair, eyes, clothing, etc. Your poster must also contain: Name of your patient Summary of injury story Depict the injury location on your patient illustration Describe the level and severity of the injury using the appropriate medical terms and descriptions you learned in earlier lessons. Save room to add your patients recovery/rehabilitation description later.
Project for students to trace on their poster. Be CREATIVE!! This is part of your final exam!! Be sure to save room for all the information you need to add.
Day 7/8 – Closer – Change the Story How could the events of your patient’s injury be changed to prevent the injury from happening?
Day 9/10 – Rehabilitation Medical Careers Starter Discuss with the table any of your family or friends that work in a medical field. Activity Rehabilitation Medical Careers Complete p. 82 as you watch (attached) Closer Complete all activities listed pg. 49 in the workbook. You should do this on your own paper and type it if possible. (This is part of your final exam grade.)
Day 11/12 – Starter – Life in Rehab Turn your book to pg. 52 With your shoulder partner, decide if the statements are true/false. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10.
Day 11/12 – Activity Rehab Watch Fighter Video Re-watch video and pause to learn what the students are doing in each scene. (Teacher will help.) Record 5 of the most interesting scenes and what you may not realize. Watch Patient Interview Read the rehab letter from your patient or their parent. (p. 53 to 60) Summarize this information and add it to your patient poster. Closer (if time) sip n puff Extra Days? Complete Injury Prevention Poster (Lesson 10)
Day 13/14 – You’ve got a friend in me! Watch Call Me Maybe With your table, discuss what a friend could have said to prevent your patient’s accident from happening. Using p. 82 – 83, create an Advocacy Skit with one other group. Write out your script and be ready to perform it for the class. (part of your final exam grade)