WHICH GOSPEL. . . . Is the shortest of the 4? Was written primarily for Jewish readers? Starts off “In the beginning. . . .”? Was written by a “beloved physician”? Was written by the cousin of Barnabas? Is “the Gospel in a hurry”? Is structured around 5 large blocks of teaching? Has the major theme of “Jesus as Good News for everyone”? Contains “7 signs”? Gives special emphasis to “the kingdom of God”?
WHICH GOSPEL. . . . Always explains Jewish customs & Aramaic words? Is addressed to someone named “Theophilus”? Is the only Gospel with a “sequel”? Features the “I AM” sayings of Jesus? Was written by a close friend & companion of Paul’s? Begins with a genealogy? Presents Jesus primarily as the all-powerful Son of God? Is the only one which records an event from Jesus’ childhood? Is the only one which records the birth of John the Baptist? Contains no “story” parables or accounts of demonic possession? Doesn’t record the institution of the Lord’s Supper?
WHICH GOSPEL. . . . Says “the Word became flesh & dwelt among us”? Emphasizes Jesus as the fulfillment of OT prophecy? Tells Jesus’ age when He began His public ministry? Emphasizes what discipleship is & isn’t? Contains the Sermon on the Mount? Is thought to contain a first-hand account of what Peter preached? Is the only Gospel written by a Gentile? Refers to Jesus’ miracles as “signs”? Mentions 13 women by name who aren’t in the other Gospels? Was written by someone who traveled with Paul, but quickly left him?
Acts of the Apostles. . . . Really isn’t about all the apostles, but mostly _______ & ________. Covers approx. the first _____ years of the church’s history. Traces the progress of the gospel from _________ to ________. Is the second-__________ book in the NT. Records the conversion of Saul/Paul _____ times. Says salvation comes when people who believe in Jesus _________ & are _______________. Records the beginning of the __________ in chapter 2. Shows that the apostles were to be Jesus’ ___________ to the world. Demonstrates that _____________ can stop the gospel.
WHO IN ACTS. . . . Preached the first gospel sermon? Preached the longest sermon? Was the first Gentile to be converted? Was chosen to be “apostle to the Gentiles”? Traveled with Paul on his missionary journeys? Chose Barnabas & Saul for the mission to Gentiles? Appeared to Paul & said, “Come over & help us”? Wouldn’t let Paul go further into Asia? Said, “I now understand that God shows no partiality”?