Perception is a multistage process that takes place in the BRAIN It includes: a. Selection b. Processing c. Organization & d. Integration of INFORMATION received from the SENSES
Sight/seeing Sound/hearing Touch/Tactile Taste Smell Kinesthetic body awareness
Sensory or sensation is… The neural activity triggered by some STIMULUS that activates a sensory receptor and results in sensory nerve impulses traveling the sensory nerve pathways to the brain.
Kinesthetic Receptors Location Perceives What? * Proprioceptors Joint Capsule & Ligaments Direction, Rate, Extent of Joint Movement, Steady Position, Stationary Joint Position *Vestibular Apparatus (cat like awareness) Inner Ear Rotation, Acceleration & Deceleration, Linear Movements, Body Position Relative to Gravity Muscle Spindles Muscles Degree of Tension Golgi Tendon Muscle-tendon Junctions Change in Tension Cutaneous Receptors Skin & Underlying Tissue Touch, Temperature, Pain
Kinesthetic Perception Body Awareness – Perception of our Body Laterality Perception that you have two sides to your body Sidedness Age 2 L/R Age 6 – Lateral Dominance should be clearly established by age 9 or a grave concern (LD & SLD) Directionality Perception of Direction L, R, U, D, F, B Perception that objects have direction; I.E., (B vs. D) - (b vs d) (p vs d or q vs b)
Kinesthetic Perception cont. Spatial Orientation – is knowing where our body is in space or in relationship to other objects Which sports demand extremely keen spatial awareness?
Kinesthetic Perception cont. Tactile Localization Multiple Tactile Points Limb Movements
Visual Perception Figure Ground Perception – where’s Waldo Spatial Orientation - letters Depth Perception – critical to motor skills, catching, driving, target sports Size Constancy – constant size when distance varies Perception of Movement – critical to motor skills - knowing something is moving Whole Objects vs Parts – games in newspaper