Rosa L Rodríguez-Acosta Christen Byler Seat belt use among fatally injured U.S. workers: Analysis of CFOI/FARS matched data. Rosa L Rodríguez-Acosta Christen Byler National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, WV Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC 44th International Traffic Records Forum Milwaukee, WI
Presentation Outline Work-related motor vehicle safety at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Seat belt use analysis using Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI)/Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) matched data Barriers to seat belt use research project Questions/Discussion
Work-related motor vehicle safety at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Who we are The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is a federal research entity focused on the study of worker safety and health.
Who we are The NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety (CMVS) is the only part of the U.S. federal government whose mission includes preventing crashes and resulting injuries for all worker populations, not just a specific worker group.
Burden of workplace motor vehicle crashes Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of U.S. work-related deaths 35% of all deaths in 2016 1st or 2nd leading cause of death in every major industry group Over 25,000 deaths from 2003-2016
Work-related MVC fatalities by event type, U.S., 2008-2016 Roadway incident Number of Deaths Pedestrian struck-by Non-roadway incident Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
Who’s at risk of a work-related fatal crash? Truck drivers Drivers in other high-risk jobs Light-vehicle drivers It’s not just truck drivers. Over 60% of workplace crash deaths in 2016 were workers employed in an occupation other than “truck driver.” Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
What we do The NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety (CMVS) conducts research and develops recommendations to prevent work-related motor vehicle crashes and resulting injuries. Knowledge Partnerships Policy Communication
Strategic Plan
Research areas Identifying crash risk factors Evaluating technology-based and management interventions Identifying crash risk factors Developing/evaluating engineering controls and technology
Risk factors for work-related crashes All of these can be modified with strong employer policies. Not using a seat belt Distraction Fatigue Shift work and long hours of work Substances Unsafe vehicles
Intervention Evaluation
Engineering Controls and Technology
Engineering Controls and Technology Ambulance crash test methods published by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE): SAE J2917: Crash pulse from frontal impact SAE J3026: EMS worker seating and restraint integrity SAE J3027: Patient cot, floor mount, and restraint system SAE J3043: Ambulance equipment mount devices and systems SAE J3044: Crash pulse from rear impact SAE J2956: Crash pulse from side impact SAE J3057: Modular body (or box style) integrity SAE J3058: Storage compartment integrity SAE J3059: Measurement of EMS worker head movement during a crash event SAE J3102: Floor integrity test to hold patient cot
Communication products Oil & Gas Employer Fact Sheet Oil & Gas Workers Fact Sheet
Rosa L Rodríguez-Acosta Christen Byler Seat belt use among fatally injured U.S. workers: Analysis of CFOI/FARS matched data. Rosa L Rodríguez-Acosta Christen Byler National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, WV Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC The findings and conclusions in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. This research was conducted with restricted access to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the BLS.
Background Adult seat belt use is the single most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries in the event of a motor vehicle crash. In 2016, for passenger vehicles:* National estimated seat belt use rate was at 90.1% Nearly 27.5 million still did not buckle up 48% of fatally-injured occupants were unrestrained Seat belt use saved an estimated 14,668 lives *Occupant protection in passenger vehicles: 2016 data (Traffic Safety Facts. Report No. DOT HS 812 494).
Background Estimated self-reported seat belt use among employed US adults*: Prevalence of not always using a seat belt higher, 23.6%, in states with secondary seat belt laws vs. 10.4% in states with primary laws Seat belt use among employed adults varies by industry NIOSH survey of long-haul truck drivers+: 14% did not use a seat belt on every trip *Boal et. al., 2016; +Chen et. al., 2015
Methods: Data Sources Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) Federal/State cooperative program conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Produces comprehensive, accurate, and timely annual counts of all fatal work injuries in the U.S. Cases confirmed using multiple source documents including: Death certificates Reports from: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Coroner/Medical examiner Police Workers’ compensation Media
Methods: Data Sources Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) – cont. Collects data on: Employment: industry, occupation, and, ownership Demographic characteristics Injury case characteristics Analyzed the subset of motor vehicle occupant fatalities resulting from roadway incidents involving a motorized land vehicle “those occurring on that part of public highway, street, or road normally used for travel … where at least one vehicle was in regular operation…”
Methods: Data Sources Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Census of police-reported traffic crashes involving a motor vehicle travelling on traffic way open to the public, and resulting in the death of a motorist or non-motorist within 30 days of crash Hierarchical data system: crash-, vehicle-, and person-level data. At-work determination based on “injury-at-work” item in death certificate.
Methods: CFOI/FARS Matched Dataset Published methods manuscript
Methods: CFOI/FARS Matched Dataset, 2011-2014 Source files Matched cases Data set CFOI Highway All Fatal FARS All Matches N 4,512 98,464 4,060 Description All CFOI records for which event = roadway incident involving motorized land vehicle All FARS person-level records for fatally-injured persons* CFOI Highway merged with All Fatal FARS * Excludes pedestrians. 90% of CFOI roadway cases were also in All Fatal FARS (4,060/4,512) Only 60% of matched cases were identified as at work in FARS (2,442/4,060) Data were generated with restricted access to the CFOI Research file.
Results: CFOI/FARS matched dataset Fatal Work-related Motor Vehicle Incidents, CFOI/FARS Matched Data 2011-2014. Crashes Vehicles Fatalities Drivers 3,822 3,879 4,060 3,581 Data were generated with restricted access to the CFOI Research file.
Methods: Data Analysis Generated person-level descriptive analysis by seat belt use Demographic characteristics (CFOI) Age Gender Race Seating position (FARS) Ejection (FARS) Vehicle body type (FARS) Occupational characteristics (CFOI) Industry
Results: Seat belt use status among all fatally injured workers Seat belt used n % Yes 1,749 43 No 1,467 36 Unknown 610 15 Not applicable* 234 6 Total 4,060 100 Seat belt used n % Yes 1,749 54 No 1,467 46 Total 3,216 100 * Some examples include: in a motorcycle, or operating equipment Data were generated with restricted access to the CFOI Research file.
Demographic characteristics n % Age group* 16-24 266 8 25-34 501 16 35-44 635 20 45-54 801 25 55-64 661 21 65+ 348 11 Gender Male 2,951 92 Female 265 Race/ethnicity White 2,329 72 Black 360 Hispanic 434 13 Other^ 93 3 * Data missing for 4 workers ^ Other category includes: American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian and Pacific Islander Data were generated with restricted access to the CFOI Research file.
Seat belt use by age group (N=3,216) Data were generated with restricted access to the CFOI Research file.
Seat belt use by race/ethnicity By race/ethnicity we observed the highest proportion of restrained workers among Hispanics with 58% and highest proportion of unrestrained workers in the other category, 52%. % restrained % unrestrained White 54 46 Black 55 45 Hispanic 58 42 Other 48 52 (American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian, and Pacific Islander) All 54 46 Data were generated with restricted access to the CFOI Research file.
Seat belt use by seating position Restrained Unrestrained Total n % Driver 1,615 56 1,279 44 2,894 Front seat passenger 107 53 94 47 201 Back seat passenger 22 25 65 75 87 Enclosed passenger or cargo area - - 23 100 Unknown 3 38 5 63 8 1,747 54 1,466 46 3,213 Data were generated with restricted access to the CFOI Research file.
Seat belt use by vehicle body type Restrained Unrestrained n % Passenger cars 292 65 160 35 Light trucks and vans Utility vehicles 75 46 89 54 Vans 156 52 142 48 Pick-up trucks 267 50 263 Other light trucks 7 33 14 67 Large trucks Medium trucks 154 53 135 47 Heavy trucks 773 58 565 42 Buses 15 39 23 61 Farm and construction equipment 6 10 57 90 Other vehicles 5 100 Unknown body type 8 Total 1,745 1,461 Data were generated with restricted access to the CFOI Research file.
Seat belt use by industry Industry % restrained % unrestrained Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 27 73 Mining 56 44 Utilities 68 32 Construction 48 52 Manufacturing 69 31 Wholesale trade 62 38 Retail trade 64 36 Transportation and warehousing 57 43 Professional and business services Administrative and waste management 49 51 Education and Health 65 35 Arts, leisure and accommodations 59 41 Other except Public Admin 55 45 Public Administration 54 46 Data were generated with restricted access to the CFOI Research file.
Conclusions Proportion of fatally-injured workers in passenger vehicles* who were restrained higher than general population. High proportion of unrestrained younger workers warrants tailored interventions from employers. Low levels of restraint use in fatal crashes reinforces the need for employer policies requiring all occupants to be belted regardless of seating position and state seat belt law. Low restraint use in agriculture, construction and waste management industries may be indicative of use of vehicles that lack proper seating. * includes: passenger cars, pick-up trucks, vans and SUVs
Conclusions Employers can help workers who drive as part of their job stay safe by: Committing to driver safety programs at the highest level of leadership. Establishing and enforcing driver safety policies, including requiring everyone in the vehicle to buckle up. Involving workers in decisions about how to put seat belt programs in place. Promoting seat belt use in all training and safety meetings.
Strengths Analysis shows the value of matched CFOI/FARS data to advance knowledge and understanding of seat belt use among fatally injured workers. Analysis identified higher risk worker groups that may lead to development of more focused prevention recommendations.
Limitations Seat belt use in non-fatal work-related crashes remains unknown. Observational data on seat belt use available for large trucks but not for workers who drive light vehicles. Did not take into account type of seat belt law. Did not examine if vehicles used in industries with low seat belt use were equipped with proper seating and seat belts.
Next Steps Examine seat belt use by state law type. Perform additional analysis examining vehicles used in industries with low seat belt use. Complete drafting manuscripts for publication in peer reviewed journals: Overall results Seat belt use analysis Industry-specific analysis Oil and Gas Extraction industry Conduct analysis specific to construction industry. Match two additional years of data (2015-2016).
Barriers to seat belt use research project Seat belt use by workers who drive as part of their job: What’s not clicking?
Why do this now? Project responds to research priorities in the Oil and Gas Extraction (OGE) Industry: Oil and Gas Extraction operators Drilling contractors Well servicing companies Workers in the OGE industry have a high motor vehicle fatality rate. Workers employed in small establishments and from well-servicing companies are at greatest risk of dying in a motor vehicle crash. Limited research done to date to examine seat belt use behavior among workers. Findings will guide new interventions and strategies to increase seat belt use among workers. Well-servicing companies- In charge of maintenance procedures on an oil or gas well after the well has been completed and production begun. They are in charge of maintaining or enhancing well productivity, or assessing/monitoring the performance of the well or reservoir. Slickline, coiled tubing, snubbing and workover rigs or rod units are routinely used in well service activities. Well Servicing are various operations conducted on a well that can range from well workover to completion. These operations are handled by well services, a petroleum department that handles all the maintenance and repair issues related to a well. The well may experience certain issues after it has been drilled and operated. Therefore, these issues are addressed to the well services department, which analyzes the current needs of the well and accordingly offers the well servicing operations.
About the project Four year internally funded project with start date of October 2018 To be conducted at six U.S. oil and gas sites Involves the use of qualitative research methods Information gained through this project will help researchers understand what prevents workers from using seat belts at all times and guide recommendations for employers and workers.
About the project Goal: To increase seat belt use among workers employed in OGE industries. Aim: Identify barriers to seat belt use and factors preventing OGE workers from using their seat belts, by obtaining data from workers and their managers on: knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and motor vehicle safety policies and practices.
Methods Sites Data collection Three U.S. geographical areas Two sites in each area One large and one small well-servicing company Data collection Focus groups with manager at each site to obtain data on policies, practices, and enforcement. Individual interviews with up to 10 workers per site to: obtain data on knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices examine factors in and outside the workplace that influence decisions about belt use
Methods Data analysis Data will be: Main themes identified transcribed combining notes from the interviewer focus group facilitator, the note taker, and, if available, recordings analyzed using several phases of coding to separate, sort, and synthesize the information in order to identify patterns and respective themes Main themes identified examine results from interviews and focus groups separately, and, compare main themes that emerged among workers and managers
Products Scientific and trade publications Presentations to companies’ safety management and at scientific conferences. Communication products tailored towards both the workers and managers.
Questions? Comments? Rosa L Rodriguez-Acosta, Ph.D. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 304.285.6299 The findings and conclusions in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. This research was conducted with restricted access to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the BLS.