The Money Alphabet by Mr. Dickes assets Purpose: To learn the alphabet with money words to increase your financial literacy.
something that pays you money asset something that pays you money
a place to save money or borrow money bank a place to save money or borrow money
c cashflow where your money goes
to track the U.S. stock market D d DOW to track the U.S. stock market
trading of goods or services exchange trading of goods or services
financial independence you are free from debt and bills
g government takes your money first
a high offer for a trade-in vehicle high balling a high offer for a trade-in vehicle
i invest money working for you
an occupation you do to earn cash j job an occupation you do to earn cash
give money to charities of your choice k kindness give money to charities of your choice
l liability paying money to others
used to buy or sell goods or services m money used to buy or sell goods or services
n net worth assets - liabilities
the cost of what was given up to obtain it opportunity cost the cost of what was given up to obtain it
your money to save and invest p pay yourself first your money to save and invest
q question always ask How and Why
not needing to work for money to live retirement not needing to work for money to live
part ownership of a public company stock part ownership of a public company
money paid to the government taxes money paid to the government
reflect why your in your current money situation understand reflect why your in your current money situation
a business that involves risk but could lead to a profit venture a business that involves risk but could lead to a profit
a large amount of money or possessions w wealth a large amount of money or possessions
find your beautiful place x xanadu find your beautiful place
to gain an amount as a return on an investment y yield to gain an amount as a return on an investment
do something you love to do z zealous do something you love to do