Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia Demography 2 Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia
Demography Demography statistics is a very important information for any country It describes the size population, its changes –increase or decrease- and its population and gender It helps in planning and implementing short term and long term health programmes for the community
Sources of Demographic information Population census Vital statistics Migration Census- Census describes the population in the static stage Vital Statistics and Migration information gives the changes occurring to the population
Population Census Population census is the total process of collecting, compiling and publishing of demographic, economic and social data pertaining to a specified time of all persons in a community
Methods of conducting population census De facto method In this method the total population of persons actually present in the area on the day of census is taken De jure method In this method the total population of people is taken on the basis of their permanent residence
Census in Libya Census is done by the Census and Statistics Department. In Libya de jure method of census is done
Characteristic of Libyan population Based on the 1995 census Age group Population in percentage Less than 5 years 12.5 Less than 15 years 39.0 Females 15-49 25.0 Women 15-49 and children 37.5 More than 65 years 04.0 Sex ratio 103
Age pyramid Is a graphical representation of the population in various age groups of both sexes Age pyramid of Libya has a broad base and a tapering top Broad base is due to the large population of children Narrow top is due to small population of elderly
Median age Median age of population is that age which divides the population into two equal parts The median age of Libya is 18.6 years The median age in developed countries like US and UK is higher than 30 years
Demographic characteristics Family size – The average Libyan family size is 7 Education status – Literacy rate of Libya is more than 80% above 10 years of age Population density – The overall population density is only 3 persons per km2 However in the cities it is more than 600 per km2
Demographic indicators Population growth of Libya between 1984 to 1995 was 2.8%