The European Strategy for Circular Economy – Plastics Strategy and revised Waste Legislation Joanna Drake – Deputy Director-General DG ENV, European Commission
Circular Economy: a priority
The EU is heavily dependent on imported raw materials European Union (EU-28) Rest of the world (ROW) EU-28 exports (2014) 159 237 434 EU-28 imports (2014) 181 195 1300 Biomass Manufactures (finished manufactured products) Fuels and mining products (fossil energy, metal ores and non-metallic minerals) Total trade EU-28 to ROW In 2004: 455 million tonnes In 2014: 640 million tonnes Total trade ROW to EU-28 In 2004: 1664 million tonnes In 2014: 1534 million tonnes Source:
Circular Economy Package 2015 Action Plan 4 Legislative proposals on Waste List of 54 Initiatives >80% of actions delivered
Circular Economy Package 2018 Interface Chemicals Products Waste Legislation A European Strategy for Plastics in the Circular Economy Revision of Directive on Port Reception Facilities Circular Economy Monitoring Framework Report on Critical Raw Materials Report on Oxo-degradable Plastics
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Plastics: what do we want to achieve? Smart Innovative Sustainable The Plastics Industry of the future ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES SOCIAL INNOVATION PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT
Headline targets in the Strategy By 2030 All plastics packaging reusable or recyclable >50% of plastic waste recycled Sorting & recycling capacity X 4 (vs. 2015) How? Improve product design Promote recycled content Better separate collection More funding for research and innovation Harness global action Reducing marine litter ACTION ON SINGLE USE PLASTICS AND FISHING GEAR - Spring 2018
Municipal waste management in Croatia Predominance of landfilling (>70%) Recycling rate at 21% (50% target for 2020) High landfilling of biodegradable waste Large implementation gap to fill
Municipal waste management, 2015
Municipal waste management in Croatia Barriers to higher recycling: Insufficient separate collection Lack of economic incentives (landfill taxes, waste charges) Non efficient EPR system Lack of infrastructure BUT New Waste Management Plan 2017 – 2022 a new vision: focus on separate collection, increase in recycling and composting rates, economic incentives, compliance with EU targets Municipalities are the key actors
EC support to implementation Early Warning Exercise – Croatia identified at risk of missing the 2020 target; key recommendations: Introduce service standards for high quality separate collection Offer technical / financial support to local authorities Improve the efficiency of EPR systems Make use of EU funds for long-term investments, align expenditure planning with the new WMP Improve data quality EU Funding for waste projects – important to adjust spending priorities to implementation of the WMP Technical support: e.g. Peer2Peer TAIEX tool
Revised legislation on waste - making EU waste legislation future-proof Proposed end 2015; informal agreement in Dec 2017 Endorsement by the Member States on 23 Feb 2018 EP plenary vote in April 2018 What does it entail? More ambition – higher recycling levels and less landfilling Clearer rules More efficient waste management – EPR review
5-year extension for countries with a low starting point Single calculation method: harmonised definition of municipal waste reporting input to recycling High-quality recycling of biowaste
5-year extension for countries with high landfill rates Calculation rules for landfilling Landfill restrictions for separately collected waste Towards no landfilling of waste suitable for recovery
The Waste Package: Jobs and Economic Opportunities In the period 2015-2035, the implementation of the waste package will deliver at least: Increasing employment in the waste sector: adding more than 100 000 jobs by 2035 Cost-efficient waste management with financial savings amounting to 5 billion euro A total of 20 billion euro worth of benefits to society Contributing to combatting climate change by avoiding 300 million tonnes of CO2 emissions
Learn more about the plastics strategy and the circular economy