Chunking your history revision You have so much time to still revise for your exams, you can do well! If you spent 30 minutes every day on history, you can revise all four topics independently before the exams. Spacing your revision On your calendar, EVERY topic we study has been planned out for you. All you need to do is revise each day Topics have been interleaved to space them out, it helps your memory! Revision Materials Use your revision guides and exercise books you have been given. Your homework sheet packs are brilliant for condensing your knowledge down to the essentials. Colour Code Holidays: March/April May/June 26. Mon Germany at the end of WW1 4. Weds AW: Later Migration West Oklahoma Land Rush & Exodusters 13. Fri Treatment, Care, Surgery, Public Health in the Renaissance 22 Sun Williams control: Marcher Earldom, Castles and Submission of Earls 1 Tues Nazi Lean Years 1924 to 29 10 Thurs Lawlessness in the West 1 19 Sat Cause of disease (DNA, Lifestyle and Diagnosis) in Modern period 28 Mon Anglo Saxon and Norman England Overview 5 Tues Nazi persecution of minorities 27. Tue AW: Early Migration West 5. Thurs Why was there a lack of progress in the Middle Ages 14. Sat Fulford Gate and Stamford Bridge 23 Mon The Earls Nazi Party 2 Wed The Dawes Act 11 Fri Cholera Case Study 20 Sun William I, Family, Death and Legacy 29 Tues Nazi and Church and Opposition 6 Wed Anglo Saxon and Norman Key Areas 28. Wed Causes, Treatment, surgery and Care in Middle Ages 6. Fri The Godwinson's, Harold's Embassy and Tostigs Rising 15. Sun How did Germany recover 1924- 9 Stresemann 24 Tues Little Big Horn 3 Thurs Care, Hospitals and Nursing in the Industrial Period 12 Sat Normanisation of England; The Church, Government and Sheriffs 21 Mon How did the Nazis use fear and control 30 Wed The Range Wars 7 Thurs American West Key Areas 29. Thurs Anglo Saxon England (Economy, Society, Church) 7. Sat The Ruhr Crisis 16 Mon AW: Impact of settlement on Indians 25 Wed Causes of Disease (e.g. Germ Theory) In the Industrial period 4 Fri Why did rebellions against William fail? 13 Sun How did Hitler become Dictator 1 22 Tues Rise of the Cattle Industry 31 Tues How much progress and why in the Modern Period? 8 Fri Anglo Saxon and American West Exam 30. Fri The Treaty of Versailles 8. Sun AW: Government Policy to Indians 1830 to 1 17 Tues Vesalius, William Harvey and The Great Plague 26 Thurs The revolt of Edwin & Morcar and Edgar/The Danish rebellion 5 Sat How did Hitler become Chancellor 1 14 Mon Lawlessness in the West 2 23 Wed Treatment (Surgery, Antibiotics and Medicine in the Modern period 1 Weds British Medicine Overview 9 Sat Nazi Germany Overview 31. Sat AW: Middle Migration West (Homestead Act, Railroad, Civil War 9. Mon Causes, Sydenham and Royal Society in the Renaissance 18 Wed Battle of Hastings: Events and causes of Williams victory 27 Fri The Munich Putsch (Causes, Events, Impact) 6 Sun Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee 15 Tues How much change in the Industrial Period and why? 24 Thurs Normanisation of England Overview 2 Thurs Women, Children and Workers 10 Sun Nazi Germany Key Areas 1. Sun Public Health, Black Death and Progress in Middle Ages 10. Tues Succession Crisis 1066 (Edwards heir, 4 contenders and crowning) 19 Thurs The Weimar Golden Years (Society/Women) 28 Sat Destruction of Buffalo and Reservations 7 Mon Prevention of disease; Vaccinations and Public Health in the Industrial Period 16 Wed Domesday Book, Norman Aristocracy and Bishop Odo 25 Fri Nazi Propaganda, Censorship and Fuhrer Cult 2 Sat American West overview of the Topic 11 Mon 2. Mon Anglo Saxon England (King, Witan, Govt and Sheriffs) 11. Wed Hyperinflation 20 Fri The Indian Wars 29 Sun Treatment and Surgery (Antiseptics & Anaesthetics) in the Industrial Period 8 Tues Williams changes: Landholding and the Feudal System 17 Thurs How did Hitler become Dictator 2 26 Sat Fall of the Cattle Industry 3 Sun Full Day Medicine Revision 12 Tues Weimar and Nazi Germany Exam 3. Tues The threats to the Weimar Republic, 1918-1921 12. Thurs AW: Fort Laramie 1851 21 Sat How much progress and why in the Renaissance 30 Mon Harrying of the North and Revolt of the Earls 9 Wed How did Hitler become Chancellor 2 18 Fri Homesteading on the Plains (Problems and solutions) 27 Sun The NHS, Prevention and Lung Cancer Case Study 4 Mon British Medicine Through Time Exam Y11 History Revision Timetable 2018 Retrieval Practice Deliberate Practice Flashcards Answer Planning Graphic Organisers Create your own quizzes based on topics. Create them, test yourself or get someone to test you, it’s works! Apply your knowledge Revise it, practice exam questions and then go over using your notes, adding or redrafting! Create with questions on side and answers on the other side. Colour code specific topics and quiz yourself. Practice planning exam question answers Bullet point, speed plan and draft key paragraphs for exam questions Transform the information into visual revision to create links, show a narrative, identify the causes, consequences and importance