Joint Proposal Opening Report November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/1051r0 November 2005 Joint Proposal Opening Report Date: 2005-11-14 Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http://>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at <>. Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al. Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 Abstract This document provides an update on the joint proposal effort among TGn Sync, WWiSE, and Mitmot between the Garden Grove (Sept. 2005) and Vancouver (Nov. 2005) meetings Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 PHY Status Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Technical Architecture items fall in one of three buckets: November 2005 Technical Architecture items fall in one of three buckets: Discussed and agreed upon Still under discussion Yet to be discussed Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Recap of Architecture Encoder Puncturer Parser Interleaver QAM Mapper November 2005 Recap of Architecture Encoder Puncturer Parser Interleaver QAM Mapper Antenna Mapper iFFT Window & GI RF Pilot Preamble Agreed upon Under discussion Yet to be discussed Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Items agreed upon coming into Den Haag November 2005 Items agreed upon coming into Den Haag Convolutional Encoder – Mandatory Generator polynomial (1338, 1718) Rate = ½ Puncturing rates and patterns – Mandatory Rate = 2/3, 3/4, and 5/6 Interleaver – Mandatory Block based One for each spatial stream Spatial streams separated by frequency rotations RF 20MHz mandatory (64 point FFT) 40MHz optional (128 point FFT) MCS set – mandatory and optional equal modulation 1 to 4 Spatial Streams BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM Rate = 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, and 5/6 Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Items agreed upon coming into Den Haag November 2005 Items agreed upon coming into Den Haag Long Mixed Mode Preamble Basic structure Legacy portion CDD values HT portion CDD values Number of Tx Chains cyclic shift for Tx chain 1 cyclic shift for Tx chain 2 cyclic shift for Tx chain 3 cyclic shift for Tx chain 4 1 0ns - 2 -200ns 3 -100ns 4 -50ns -150ns Number of Tx Chains cyclic shift for Tx chain 1 cyclic shift for Tx chain 2 cyclic shift for Tx chain 3 cyclic shift for Tx chain 4 1 0ns - 2 -400ns 3 -200ns 4 -600ns Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Items agreed upon coming into Den Haag November 2005 Items agreed upon coming into Den Haag Pilots in 20 MHz 4 pilot tones at -21,-7,7,21 Number of data tones 52 data tones in 20 MHz 108 data tones in 40 MHz Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Item agreed upon during Den Haag November 2005 Item agreed upon during Den Haag Number of pilots in 40 MHz 6 pilots in 40 MHz Pilot location in 40 MHz TBD STBC STBC defined for 2x1 3x2 4x2 4x3 Mandatory or Optional is TBD Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Items agreed upon after Den Haag November 2005 Items agreed upon after Den Haag Pilot location in 40MHz: {±11, ±25, ±53} Interleaver parameters: Depth: 20MHz: 13 40MHz: 18 Frequency rotation: 20MHz: 11 40MHz: 29 OFDM processing for beam forming QAM and antenna mappers Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Items under discussion (not resolved) November 2005 Items under discussion (not resolved) Beam Forming Rate feedback Support for Single Spatial Stream devices Short Preamble Unequal MCS sets 256 QAM Parser Antenna mapping GI Dual versus single encoder Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 Advanced coding Formal motion: LDPC Code Structure and Complexity Constraints passed. Milestones: LDPC Code design phase completed 19 Oct 2005. IEEE Fading Channel results completed 02 Nov 2005. Final LDPC Code selection completed 09 Nov 2005. Formal Motion on LDPC Code to ballot 14 Nov 2005. PDU Concatenation Rules to complete 19 Nov 2005 in Vancouver. Formal motion on PDU Concatenation Rules to ballot on 17 Nov 2005. Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 MAC Status Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
MAC Feature Architecture November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/1051r0 November 2005 MAC Feature Architecture Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al. Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Items Agreed Upon Reverse direction grant MSDU Aggregation PSMP November 2005 Items Agreed Upon Reverse direction grant Rules established for grantor and grantee Signaling mechanism still pending Likely to be through HT control field MSDU Aggregation Frame format & signaling PSMP Frame format Rules for AP and STA behavior Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Convergence emerging Block Ack draft text completed for: November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/1051r0 November 2005 Convergence emerging Block Ack draft text completed for: Compressed Block Ack Partial State BA Implicit BAR No-Ack Ballot just failed Group is reviewing concerns of “NO” votes EPP (PLCP length spoofing) Proposal has been modified after failed ballot – to be re-balloted HT Control field Signaling for several HT features Consensus in principle has been established Straw polls ongoing to determine format/signalling Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al. Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Items currently under discussion November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/1051r0 November 2005 Items currently under discussion “PSDU aggregation” Work ongoing to find compromise/resolve concerns Coexistence Presentations presented/reviewed, additional simulations run and reviewed Rate feedback (link adaptation) Cross MAC/PHY team continues to work Draft Text from sub-team reviewed/modified, ready for balloting EIFS Issues identified in presentation from sub-group to larger MAC body Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al. Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Items in the pipeline for discussion November 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/1051r0 November 2005 Items in the pipeline for discussion Capabilities advertisement Extended Range (ER) Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al. Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
November 2005 Next Steps Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Joint Proposal Timeline - Revised November 2005 Joint Proposal Timeline - Revised Hawaii Final Joint Prop Confirm Vote Draft Owned by TGn F2F San Fran F2F Anaheim F2F Vancouver F2F JAP F2F EUR F2F Weekly Conference Calls between F2F Meetings JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN 2005 2006 Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.
Convergence on draft text accelerating November 2005 Recap Activities Since web tools in place since Aug 42 voting companies 299 people -- 155 proposal authors 329 documents reviewed 97 formal ballots (6 since 21Sept05) Over 100 straw polls Over 1000 e-mail messages Convergence on draft text accelerating Mujtaba (Agere), Petranovich (Conexant), Fischer (Broadcom), Stephens (Intel) et. al.