Monroe Doctrine and Missouri Compromise EQ: Why is the Monroe Doctrine important, and what is meant by “Sectionalism”?
New Latin American countries were formed from successful revolutions.
monroe doctrine MONROE DOCTRINE Monroe felt that he had to respond to the threat that European countries might try to win back their former Latin American colonies. Thus, Monroe proclaimed the fundamental policy that bears his name, Monroe Doctrine. Monroe told Europe: You stay out of the West, and we’ll stay out of your squabbles. The doctrine also claimed America’s right to intervene anywhere in its own hemisphere, if it felt its security was threatened This was a policy of mutual noninterference
Western Hemisphere or the Americas.
No European country tried to intercede in the Americas following the Monroe Doctrine, so it appeared to work. In reality, no one was afraid of the American military; Spain, France and others stayed out of the Western Hemisphere because the powerful British navy made sure they did.
MONROE DOCTRINE Referred to as America’s Self Defense Doctrine. It is a continuation of President Washington’s neutrality and isolationist policies. Past problems with Europe led the US to declare the Americas off-limits to Europe US protector of new democracies in the Western Hemisphere No European Colonization in the Americas US recognized existing European Colonies Responding to Russian territorial claims along the northern Pacific coast, and concerned that European nations would attempt to seize recently independent Latin American states, President James Monroe announced a new national policy. No new colonies would be allowed in the Americas, and European powers were not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. This mural depicts a discussion among the president and members of his cabinet; from left to right are President James Monroe, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, Attorney General William Wirt, Secretary of War John Calhoun, and Secretary of the Navy Samuel L. Southard. Monroe Doctrine US will stay out of European affairs
Spirit of Nationalism in US patriotism or national oneness ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS 1817 TO 1825 american system Spirit of Nationalism in US patriotism or national oneness Country is united, confident, and growing 1791-1819, 9 states joined the original 13. One political party---Republican party Respect from Europe Monroe first president to visit all states. Boston newspaper declared an “Era of Good Feelings” had began. But, time period was not free of problems.
Not so good in the era of good feelings? There was an economic depression The country was dividing into three parts Issue of slavery threatened the nation
ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS The Panic of 1819 Largely the fault of the Second Bank of the United States,’ it did not give out as much loans as before (tightened credit in an effort to control inflation) Many state banks closed There were large increases in unemployment, bankruptcies, and imprisonment for debt Depression was most severe in the West
SECTIONALISM U.S. was becoming divided into 3 separate sections with each trying to promote their self-interest. NORTHEAST Business and Manufacturing Daniel Webster _______________ Wanted Tariffs Backed internal improvements End to cheap public land Increasingly nationalistic Against Slavery and believed the U.S. Govt. must abolish it. SOUTH Cotton-growing John C. Calhoun _______________ Opposed tariffs and government spending on American System Increasingly supportive of states’ rights Pro-slavery and opposed any steps of the U.S. Govt. to try and abolish it. WEST Frontier agriculture Henry Clay ______________ Supported internal improvements and American System. Wanted cheap land Loyal to the U.S. Govt. Against slavery but some supported letting the people decide the slavery issue Economy Leader ____________ Role of Government
SECTIONAL DIFFERENCES NORTHEAST Business and Manufacturing Daniel Webster ____________ Wanted Tariffs Backed internal improvements Wanted end to cheap public land Increasingly nationalistic Against Slavery and believed the U.S. Govt. must abolish it. Economy Leader __________ Role of Government
SECTIONAL DIFFERENCES SOUTH Cotton growing John C. Calhoun ____________ Opposed tariffs and government spending on American System Increasingly supportive of states’ rights Pro-slavery and opposed any steps of the U.S. Govt. to try and abolish it. Economy Leader __________ Role of Government
SECTIONAL DIFFERENCES Supported internal improvements WEST Frontier agriculture Henry Clay _____________ Supported internal improvements Wanted cheap land Loyal to the U.S. Govt. Against slavery but some supported letting the people decide the slavery issue Economy Leader __________ Role of Government
The new period of expansion also resulted in a national debate over slavery In 1820, the Union consisted of 22 states 11 allowed slavery, 11 prohibited it When Missouri applied for statehood, it threatened the balance of power between the slave & non-slave states
MISSOURI COMPROMISE After months of heated debate in Congress, Henry Clay won majority support for 3 bills that represented a compromise
The Missouri Compromise was created to appease both sides (1) Admit Missouri as a slave state (2) Carve off a piece of Massachusetts, called it Maine, & admitted Maine as a free state (3) Establish the southern border of Missouri as the northernmost point in which slavery would then be allowed in the western territories of the US About Maine: Because it was physically separated from the rest of Massachusetts (properly speaking, the Department of Maine was an exclave of Massachusetts) and because it was growing in population at a rapid rate, Maine became the 23rd state on March 15, 1820 as a component of the Missouri Compromise.
The compromise was the first in a series of measures forestalling the Civil War. It also split the powerful Democratic-Republican coalition, ending its 20-year control of national politics