Enthroning the as King in My Heart (1 Peter 3:15) If I acknowledge Jesus to be the King of kings, I must allow Him to be King over me. If Christ is on the throne in my heard, I can have no other King – not myself, or an idol such as money, pleasure, or lust.
The reign of our King takes place within us Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:20-21)
The Kingdom comes in us when we do the will of God! “In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9-10)
Christ is to be Enthroned in our Hearts (1 Peter 3:15) “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear”(NKJV) “But sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord: being ready always to give answer to every man that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that is in you, yet with meekness and fear” (ASV) “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (ESV) “Honor Christ and let him be the Lord of your life. Always be ready to give an answer when someone asks you about your hope.” (CEV)
What Results when Christ is King in our Hearts? (1 Peter 3:14-16) Fearlessness and peace (Matthew 5:10-16; Colossians 3:15) Preparedness (Acts 26:6-7; Philippians 1:6) Meekness & Fear
If Christ is King in my Heart I can have no other king! I must take myself off the throne! (Matthew 16:24; Isaiah 57:15; Luke 6:46) I must not set up an idol in my heart (Ezekiel 14:7-8; Matt. 6:21; 1 John 5:21) Not money or material things (Matthew 6:24) Not self (Jude 12) Not pleasure or lust (Titus 3:3)