Tim Hirner - Flagship Speakers January 23, 2014 Why Agile? Tim Hirner - Flagship Speakers January 23, 2014
Outline Introduction to Systems Waterfall vs. Agile November 11, 2018 Outline Introduction to Systems Waterfall vs. Agile Agile Manifesto and Scrum Basics Some Key Agile Points
November 11, 2018 Categories of Systems Stress that solution “emerge” “Knowledge worker” (software) projects are complex systems!
Traditional “Waterfall” Approach to Projects November 11, 2018 Traditional “Waterfall” Approach to Projects Question: For a complex system how could this process ever work?! Waterfall was developed to deal with simple and complicated, but not complex, problems Some call this “plan driven” but that implies that agile has no planning which is completely false (in agile, you may actually plan more). Stress the silo-ed nature of these “blocks”
Enter the Agile “Way of Working” November 11, 2018 Enter the Agile “Way of Working” “We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Individuals & interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.” www.agilemanifesto.org Thus, it’s clear we need a better process for projects that deal with abstract concepts. We want to allow the solution to emerge. The above provides a philosophical framework that supports this. This also means that traditional PM tools should be avoided! Mention this and next slide cover the basics of all the agile processes, and are on your card that I handed out.
Lean Software Development November 11, 2018 Some Agile Methods Extreme Programming (XP) Feature Driven Development (FDD) Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) Scrum Crystal Lean Software Development Kanban
“Scrum” (Agile Method) Overview November 11, 2018 “Scrum” (Agile Method) Overview Vision & Roadmap Product Release Retrospective Iteration Backlog 2 – 4 Weeks Daily Demonstrate Progress Product Increment Release Key question: If not Waterfall, what process might allow a solution to emerge? Enter Scrum…an agile “project management process” that works for complex systems It is an iterative, incremental solution development system that focuses each time on what is most important to the business (i.e. revamp requirements continually as you go). Learning is fed back, allowing “lessons learned” to be applied to the current project.
November 11, 2018 Some Key Agile Points Agile philosophy is “let’s focus on what’s important, that is, those activities that better allow the solution to emerge quickly” and does away with politics, processes, tools, and behaviors that are not really important and are arguably wasteful. Importantly… Agile places importance on building the right product Agile requires important decisions to be made by the people doing the work instead of dictates from above (the “how”) Agile fosters a cooperative rather than antagonistic relationship between customers and solution providers …and, Agile takes effort, but makes work fun! Tie in each bullet with a component on the previous slide Emphasis on people doing the work rather than managerial dictates is required if you accept that a solution must emerge