Brainstorming new MIWP actions


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Presentation transcript:

Brainstorming new MIWP actions INSPIRE MIG-T meeting, Ispra 25-26 October 2016

Topics INSPIRE & Copernicus (Michael Lutz) Making geoportal content easier to use (Robert Tomas) INSPIRE & the digital economy (Vanda Nunes de Lima) Implementing INSPIRE using new technologies, e.g. vector tiles (Emilio Lopez)

Break-out groups to discuss Issue to be addressed Proposed action / tasks Organisational set-up Outcomes Timeline

INSPIRE & Copernicus Several issues are emerging, but need to be better understood, e.g. Need for shared terminology Common grid Coverage encoding Interoperability requirements for Copernicus services (land, atmosphere, marine, emergency, climate, security) and Data and Information Access Service Use of INSPIRE services in CORDA (Copernicus Reference Access Data) Launch “meta action” to work on shared terminology liaise with Copernicus counterparts analyse and prioritise issues propose concrete follow-up actions