TECHNOLOGY IN TEEN LEADERSHIP Website logins and information
(ran out of room…see next page) RESOURCES PAGE In your notebook (or Teen Leadership section of binder), turn to the very, last page. Write the title, “Resources”. Copy the information below. We are setting up a place for you to record all your passcodes for websites we will use. You should also take a picture, incase you lose this information. Google Account - used to log on to Chromebook, and to use your school email (Gmail) Username: ___________________________ Password: ___________________________ – website used to access assignments, online (notes, activities, etc.) I usually put assignments on here in case you need to access an assignment online Username: __________________________ Password: __________________________ Class Join code: 2gktxd 3. Mrs. Sharp’s Website: where to find my lesson plans, class announcements, (some) class assignments, and other useful stuff Go to District Website: ______________________________________________________ 4. Skyward: grades, attendance, discipline, class schedules, and more Username: ___________________________ Password: ___________________________ (ran out of room…see next page) Skyward – grades & attendance Username: Password:
Page 2 - SETTING UP YOUR “RESOURCES” Page 5. Remind:– See “Remind” page set up requires a one-time set up to receive text messages, and/or emails from me to remind you about assignments that are due, upcoming tests, projects, etc. 6. McGraw-Hill Textbook (on-line textbook, has videos, tutorials and more!) Website: Username: _________________________ Password: _________________________
Username: 6-digit GOOGLE ACCOUNT Your Google Account is already set up for you by the district. Just log in, following the format, below. I recommend that you use your google username & password for all your other on-line accounts. That way you only have to remember: ONE username and ONE password for all of your accounts. Your Google Account is the same as your Google school email account (Gmail). You should check your emails at least once per week, because I send current grade report via Gmail. Username: 6-digit Example: Password: f initial,l initial,year of birth+00 Example: as200400
EDMODO 1. Type in address bar (not search box): 2. Click on “Student" to create a new account – ONLY IF YOU DON’T HAVE ONE YET! 3. If you already have an Edmodo account from last year, just click on the “+” sign at “Join Class”, and choose “Mrs. Sharp’s Teen Leadership Class 2017-2018”. A “Class Join Code” should appear: 2gktxd 4. Enter “ Cass Join Code“: 2gktxd 5. Enter “Username”: same as Google Account Username ( *If this doesn’t work, try this: first initial, last initial, ID# (no spaces) 6. Enter “Password”: same as Google Account Password (first initial,last initial,year of birth+00) 7. Click “Join For Free” Now you are automatically enrolled into my Teen Leadership class. You DO NOT have to enter the join code EVER AGAIN, after the first time. After first time, make sure to “SIGN IN” and NOT “SIGN UP”, after the first time. 8. Click on “Folders” to access the files you need.
MRS. SHARP’S WEBSITE Visit my website for Weekly Lesson Plans, Announcements & other helpful information How to Access Mrs. Sharp’s Website: Type: Click on: Schools Click on: Rodeo Palms JHS Click on: Faculty Click on: Ann Sharp Click on: Teen Leadership Class Class assignments & other documents can be found at:
SKYWARD-GRADE & ATTENDANCE PROGRAM SKYWARD FAMILY ACCESS Access student grades, attendance and more For QUICK ACCESS to Skyward, click on the A+ icon, in the top, right corner, on the Alvin ISD Homepage: To sign-up for a Skyward Account: Enter your student email address/Google Account: Username: 6-digit Example: as200400 Password: f initial,l initial,year of birth+00 If you have forgotten your Log in/Password, do the following: Enter your email address or user name. If it matches the email or user name the district has on file, you will be sent an email containing your login and a link that can be used to reset your password. Skyward icon
You should receive a “Welcome” text REMIND This is a free app that allows you to receive messages from your teacher about assignments, projects, or reminders to study for tests or quizzes. Follow the instructions below: YOU HAVE 2 OPTIONS: Download the App: * Then Enter Code: 39ga9h OR 2. Sign Up For Text Updates: * Type: 81010 (To: 81010) * Then Text This Message: join 39ga9h If you have trouble with 81010, try this: * Type this #: 832-730-5944 * Type this message: join 39ga9h You should receive a “Welcome” text from Remind