Session II- Future of Inland Water Transport, technological progress and innovations - « Inland Water Transport and intelligent transport systems : from.


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Presentation transcript:

Session II- Future of Inland Water Transport, technological progress and innovations - « Inland Water Transport and intelligent transport systems : from a PIANC perspective » The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure by M. Geoffroy CAUDE PIANC President 1

Summary of the Presentation 1- What is PIANC international association about? 2- Major waterborne infrastructures and their role in innovation 3- About seven major trends from PIANC views

1- What is PIANC about ? The global organisation providing guidance for sustainable waterborne transport infrastructure for ports and waterways PIANC is the forum where professionals from around the world join forces to provide expert advice on cost-effective, reliable and sustainable infrastructure to facilitate the growth of waterborne transport. Established in 1885, PIANC is the longest-standing organisation in its field, and continues to be the leading partner for governments and private sector in the design, development and maintenance of ports, waterways and coastal areas.

private-sector organisations) Our Membership 40 Qualifying Members of which 27 have a National Section (i.e. governmental and non-governmental organisations representing a country) National Section QM without NS more than 2,000 Individual Members (Students included) more than 450 Corporate Members (port authorities, chambers of commerce, universities, other public- and private-sector organisations) 4

Our Membership 9 Platinum Partners

Sister Associations PIANC co-operates regularly with many other national and international organisations, including the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and international dredging organisations (IADC, CEDA, WODA). PIANC has also signed Memorandums of Understanding with twelve Sister Associations:

Our Technical Reports The Core Business of PIANC Provide state-of-the-art guidance on waterborne transport-related topics for professionals Drafted by international Working Groups supervised by a Commission An average of 15 to 20 Working Groups active at any time! Available FOR FREE for all PIANC members on the Members Only pages!

2- Major waterborne infrastructures and their role in innovation : vessel growth and waterways classification

2- Major waterborne infrastructures and their role in innovation : vessel growth and waterways classification Incom179 : « How to Deal with the New Ships in the CEMT ’92 Classification : towards a New CEMT classification (ITF) InCom 201 : « Development of a Proposal of Inland Waterway Classification for South America »

2- The Suez canal : a recent example of the improvements for dredging or removal of sand or earth removals vessel growth and waterways classification I

2- Locks as a ongoing technology and innovation work : the Panama canal expansion and the saving basins I

2- Optimizing the works for a new canal : Seine-Nord-Europe projects

I 2- Optimizing the works for a new canal : using ship lifts Strepy-Thieu in Belgium and Niederfinow new lift in Germany I

3- About seven major trends for waterborne navigation infrastructures and their role in innovation 1- Design Tools : environmental tools (Working with Nature) and « ecosystemic services » 2- Innovation in materials (composites and inflatable weirs) : WG 166 InCom Inflatable structures in hydraulic engineering  3 – Asset maintenance management ( InCom 129-2013) and control 4- Optimise the use of the infrastructure : RIS (InCom 125-2011) and E-navigation(InCom 156-2017) ; safety and security ; TG Cyber Security in inland navigation ; digitalization as a tool in strong development 5- Air emissions standards and reduction of the air pollution : motorisation of the vessels, LNG ( MarCom 172-2016 - design of LNG terminals including bunkering), electricity and hydrogen 6- Automation of boats and transshipment , autonomous vessels (InCom 96-2008 automation and remote operation of locks and bridges) 7- Renewable energies : WG 197 Small Hydropower Plants in waterways

Upcoming Events See you at the 34th PIANC World Congress Panama City, Panama in 2018 See you at our next PIANC Med Days Seville, Spain in 2018 See you at our next PIANC-SMART Rivers Conference Lyon, France in 2019